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Work is mind-numbing with nothing to do but contemplate suicide, and hobbies like video games and studying no longer provide a source of pleasure. Too low test to masturbate more than once per day.
I have no means of obtaining a tank of pure helium, as the ones on amazon are diluted with oxygen and I don't know how to drive or have the desire to interact with anybody.
I run every morning, stretch for half an hour, eat plenty of meats and veggies and supplement fish oils and vitamin D. I still force myself to study Japanese for a few hours as I have done every day for the past 3 years.
I'm not sure this can be called depression, as I don't feel particularly sad, just numb and bored to pretty much everything.
Anime is the one thing I still enjoy, but there's only a few every season that I truly enjoy watching.
I think "anime" might be my purpose in life, but there's not enough material.
What do /what/frens do that gives you pleasure?


There are so many other ways to kill yourself, you shouldn't have written that excuse. You don't want to die


I want to die painlessly, and guns are illegal where I live.


Overdose on alcohol. Lie on your back you will drown in your own vomit


You will be blacked out so no pain


Sugoi! A friend that's good at depression!


You should meet up with the /what/birl before you die I'm sure it will lift your spirits!


I don't get pleasure from anything, just finding something that blocks out the awful feeling I get from most things is good enough


That's not all it will lift!

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