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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1496070494927.jpeg (145.06 KB, 640x480, c99261d15c95da527c99d60be….jpeg)


Will they ever fix the broken combat animations?

Will they stop writing narrative for children like its all they're capable of?

Will the endgame (the only game?) stop being a virtual treadmill anytime?

Why am I being made to pay €49,99 for another glorified content patch when I've already paid €39,99 for the base game, another €29,99 or so for Heavensward, and am subsequently charged a novelty fee of €11,99 just for the priviledge of logging on to the game I've already bought twice?

Will we they ever stop forcing me to run the same two dungeons I don't want to run over and over with people I don't want to play with? It's quite a marvel for a self proclaimed online game to be so antisocial.


They're forcing you to play and pay for their game?


File: 1496075128266.jpg (109.46 KB, 850x799, sample_df66e808372106728b3….jpg)

Yes. At literal gunpoint.


Should've jumped off the MMO train a long time ago, bud.


File: 1496096818830.png (2.1 MB, 1399x1761, image.png)

I dunno but I do know that I want to FRIG Lala.


I want to fall asleep with my face buried in Lala's bosom.


File: 1496110323340.jpeg (250.23 KB, 480x640, 7275206ee058e24bc72612fe6….jpeg)

Lala is not for fuck


File: 1496158174691.jpeg (777.53 KB, 2000x3000, image.jpeg)

How can you post that image and still believe that?


File: 1496169091543.png (1007.54 KB, 1400x1820, 9d53abae062471db3d87dd6a45….png)

What do you care, homo

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