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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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You're everyone you hate


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Spread the seed of destruction


feeling woke AF right now


Being in the presence of someone with psychotic symptoms can bring on the same feelings in the other. It's called transference, a psychoanalytic term which defines the transfer of another's distorted frame of mind onto the person with whom he is interacting.

It is subtle. That person might start to feel like the schizophrenic person feels without realizing it. If psychotic you can start feeling spacey and disoriented. If you don't know what is happening you will think it's coming from yourself.



yeah i know after 2 years away from my schizophrenic narcissistic family ive started to regain my sanity and mental freedom


too bad you are still schizophrenic and narcissistic. better luck next time!


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i was so much w orse 2 years ago you wouldn't understand this stuff


I'm pretty sure you've been posting on spinoffs at least as that long, you're still as retarded as ever.

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