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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1495283085248.jpg (35.58 KB, 520x520, 14304919.jpg)


What the fuck just happened


I feel like I washed off years of residue. My hair looks ten times thicker


>Dr. Bronner
Oh thanks for reminding me. I bought their bar soap once just to try it, and even though it was more expensive it lasted for MONTHS, so it ended up being cheaper than dove or whatever.


Seriously, the bottle was watery but so little soap had so much lather


please stop spamming the board


File: 1495307640971.jpg (27.19 KB, 244x363, 1495286240177.jpg)

You're the spammer


this stuff is nice, wish i had some more.


John looked at me.


Who dat


You say this in one if my threads again and I'll crush your pussy brain


With your dick?


I was incorrect. It wasn't John. John appears to have left this plane at a much younger age. I'm not sure who it was now.
In the eastern orthodox church, there is an old man given a prophecy from the blue circle in the sky and he recites it to a young boy.
Whoever that man is, he stared at me.


Tell me something more

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