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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1495191574702.png (361.93 KB, 760x512, happy birthday.png)



Today is a special day of the year because today is a /what/friend's birthday!

Please let's wish our /what/friendo a happy birthday.

Happy birthday, I hope you have a nice day today~!


>his waifu is the red head and not the gothic lolita

Happy birthday friendo


File: 1495197837330.jpg (30.58 KB, 481x337, image.jpg)

How old is he?


hapi birday


File: 1495224847250.jpg (50.65 KB, 640x480, Miracle Girls 19.avi_snaps….jpg)


happy birhtday


I don't think this /what/friend visits /what/ anymore, they signed up almost a year ago now….


I signed up mine year ago too and I'm still here….


But this /what/friend once got upset and posted in someone else's birthday thread with a kirino and demanding where his thread was on May 19, but the birthday threads only started in June or July or something.

I feel bad…


Anyone who likes Kirino is a dumb stupid idiot so it's fine.


File: 1495316167911.jpg (58.8 KB, 476x720, bitch flakes.jpg)

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