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/what/ wasn't down, but the domain wasn't connected.


grrr i haet you /what/min, hrrrrrrr


desu ne




Internet bill wasn't paid.

After 1 hour of resetting modem/router, I called and some guy from Comcast had to manually re-activate my internet service. Took about another 30 minutes, the reset signal he was sending took a long time. I said I could just manually reset the modem, "NO, that will interrupt the firmware that is being installed". It wasn't just resetting the modem, they can remotely install/remove software on your modem.

These modems are literally backdoor'd, It's a modem/router combo box, that's why I disable the router functionality, dumb it down to just a modem, and use my own router. Not about to have my computer and internet activities go directly through that backdoor'd device running proprietary software doing stuff that no one knows except Comcast.


>These modems are literally backdoor'd, It's a modem/router combo box, that's why I disable the router functionality, dumb it down to just a modem, and use my own router. Not about to have my computer and internet activities go directly through that backdoor'd device running proprietary software doing stuff that no one knows except Comcast.
that sounds just as backdoored because you're using their service and connecting to their network after all


When you use your own router, you're putting a thick layer of security between your computer/devices and their modem.

It just sees packets coming in/out over the WAN interface. If you use their modem/router combo alone, that's allowing them a lot more access.

Let's just say Comcast is hypothetically evil, when using their modem/router combo alone, they would be able to map out your whole LAN, see all devices on it, and snoop on any unecrypted traffic that's being sent between devices on your LAN.

They would be able to preform countless (known/potential) exploits that can only be performed on other computers in a LAN.

This is all solved by simply using your own router, mine runs OpenWRT.

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