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File: 1494749291364.png (164.55 KB, 430x570, Auron_Art.png)


Can someone upload Auron from Final Fantasy X saying "Enough" at the end of a battle to YouTube? It was on YouTube once then it gotten taken down then another one was up then that got taken down too?



This isn't what I was asking for.




That's all girls in those costumes right?


Whenever I'm around a small group of people I imagine we are a JRPG party and sometimes I try to assign classes and make a story


File: 1494921203742.jpg (38.7 KB, 287x351, 618706-rebus2a.jpg)

You're so selfish that you took a good opportunity to spread your mind seed instead of helping me. This is the online version of what human males were like ten thousand years ago.

I guess you are poor at gauging long-term consequences.


What is that from


You don't deserve help


File: 1494972610323.jpg (290.55 KB, 683x1000, Sephy.jpg)

No, you're right. I deserve much more than that. Maybe the universe for starters.


You deserve to lick the sweat from under my balls

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