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File: 1494338019679.jpg (69.83 KB, 600x800, nagi.jpg)


/what/ happened to Nagi?


The vets had to put her down after complications during childbirth.


She is organizing another raid on /a/ with her discord friends.


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She got too close to comfort with /jp/ hot on her trail of her identity.

In the end I found out through detective work that she leaked her tripcode to two people to throw off /jp/'s trail to her.

The real Nagi lives in California.
Real Nagios leaked her trip code to Abigail Tran who is real Nagi'so biological cousin who was already known to be an /a/ user located in England.

The second person Nagi gave her tripcode to is anot established old fag anonymous/jp/ user who Nagi befriended through her games on /v/ /a/ from /jp/'sisterhood steam and twitch users.

He admitted on a stream he wouldn't tell the truth behind things other than he was a male and "idk. It's all to throw Sean off at this point to confuse him".

The real Nagi from California was and is the only attractive /jp/ female. This Nagi most likely aunt posted on any board or offshoot since 2013 when I went on the hunt to make contact with her and her real identity.

Nagi has 2 children who are around 7 years old now that she gave birth to during college, which is a rumor, but admitted by her on archive. Nagi is in her early 30s now either single or trying to maintain a serious relationship as she realizes partying never lead to happiness.

Since that time I've fucked badder batches than her and partied across the globe being with amazing people and beautiful women.

Nagi has faded. If she were down to meet I may be open when I visit cali or whereever. She would reach out if she wanted to. It doesn't mean I'm avalible if she reaches out though.


She looks like an albino nigger.


Some people thought she was half vietmanese and black, but I somehow doubt that.






d-san is my frienbd he helped me get out of the darkest days of my depression


Retard schizo die.


File: 1494794912786.png (494.75 KB, 497x376, Azarak.png)

Trying to summon nagi

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