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I think I was wrong about crypto currency


How so?

I use bitcoin to buy some stuff.


I didn't buy ethereum or litecoin


I'm the same guy who made the post about "opportunity cost" to you on ota.

Open a real brokerage account and buy stocks.


How much does that cost? Where can I trade stocks without being charged every time


>How much does that cost?

Nothing, if you start your account with enough money, some brokers will even pay you to make an account. It's called a brokerage account, two popular ones are TD Ameritrade (what I use and would recommend, comes with free proprietary trading software called ThinkOrSwim that even works on Linux/BSD/Solaris), or Scottrade.

>Where can I trade stocks without being charged every time

With most brokers, a commission fee is charged usually around $7-$12 every time you buy a stock. If $10 even registers on your radar when buying a stock, don't even bother, unfortunately you need at least a couple thousand to really get started investing/trading stocks. Most stock traders are making or losing hundreds/thousands of dollars a day, and while $10 might be relevant to them in the real world, it's basically irrelevant to them concerning stocks.


Yeah I'm fucked then I dunt have the kind of money

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