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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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"Semen constitutes the strength of the body, its life, and the light of the eyes. Its emission to excess causes physical decay, debility, and diminished vitality. Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: ‘Do not give your strength to women’ (Proverbs 31:3). Whoever indulges in sexual dissipation becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails; his eyes become dim; a foul odor proceeds from his mouth and armpits; the hair of his head, eyebrows, and eyelashes drop out; the hair of his beard, armpits, and legs grow abnormally; his teeth fall out; and besides these, he becomes subject to numerous other diseases. Medical authorities have stated that for each one who dies of other maladies, a thousand are the victims of sexual excess."

- Rabbi Moses Maimonides

Is it a coincidence that the porn industry is run by Jewish people?

I've also noticed some States in the US have marked porn a "public health hazard", example:

Is porn being weaponized to destroy the moral foundations of society and also to make sure the males are sedated from the free, easy-access dopamine? If you think about it, dopamine gets released when we accomplish great things and progress through our lives/careers. But when it's readily available a the click of a button, there's no motivation to do so because u can just have a quick wank.



>- Rabbi Moses Maimonides

I don't care that this dude knew about nofap before it was cool, I don't care about the nofap promoters on 4chan.

It's especially big on /fit/ because people theorize that ejaculation inhibits muscle growth/strength, and it very well may (insignificantly), but the simple fact is that I just can't stop even if I wanted to.

I jack off 3-6 times a day, nofap for 24 hours to me is hard mode. If I didn't jack off, I would have boners all the time and be insanely frustrated.


wow, 3-6 times every day??

i don't think even a /what/birl from t-p could keep up with that virility!


I was too but when I became homeless I stopped lol. I had more energy and stuff

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