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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.17775[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (100% pantsu) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


File: 1493757861814.jpg (9.75 KB, 249x238, fastnig.jpg)

It's already time for a new blog thread?

Already 350 quality posts in under a month?


File: 1493757879961.png (Spoiler Image, 805.06 KB, 650x919, 389639ea45cc3993fad503db9d….png)

>tfw no Bulma to go on adventures with


File: 1493778764459.png (961.92 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0004.png)

This nigga went to the halloween party as a 2006-version of Youtube

Why is Japan better at halloween than us?


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Me on the left. :3


me covering my butt


>Nyaa is dead for real
>BakaBT went private

Wow, I didn't realize just how bad things could get. I have an AB account, but what if I ever got banned?

You can't get anime without being on a private tracker now, it's crazy to think this, it's fucked up.


wow, nice scaremongering.

you won't get banned if don't do something stupid.

pretty much every fansub group has all their own torrents on each of their own websites/IRC channels.

nyaa isn't confirmed 100% dead (yet). no, you won't find extensive archives of anime from the last however-many-decades on public trackers, but all the recent stuff is still accessible.

stop being so dumb.


This place was in my dream. I had a CS assignment and someone here edited my work and shopped a face or something


Now I realize why I stopped wearing contacts. It hurts so much


>pretty much every fansub group has all their own torrents on each of their own websites/IRC channels.

When I said anime, I'm basically talking about non-airing anime. If I told you to download a show any given year from 1970-2010 or so, 99% chance you wouldn't be able to do it without being on a private tracker.

>you won't get banned if don't do something stupid.

Yeah, but I feel bad for all the people who can't get into AB or BakaBT.

They literally can't download anime from 1970-2010 or so, and even their selection of anime post-2010 has gotten much harder to obtain, and their choices have been reduced. That was the case since BakaBT went private even before Nyaa went down.

It's just that the internet is regressing and becoming more locked down.

If they hurt that means you have to throw them out and put in a new pair. My contacts don't feel like anything until they get too old. It's just like having perfectly working eyeballs. Contacts are probably one of the greatest inventions ever, unlike glasses they cover your entire field of vision, give a more accurate view of the world just like it's your real eyes, can't fall off, can't break, and they don't change how you look.


My eyes hurt when I take them out. What kind of contacts do you have


I dont remember my AB username.


File: 1493834485513.png (75.75 KB, 609x644, fghfghfg.PNG)

>Your account could not be automatically reenabled! You've been added to the support queue, please wait for assistance.

I only thought it has been a couple months but i guess its been a year since i used it. I have no concept of time anymore.


Man this is gonna suck. What about bakabt? I have an account from like years ago


File: 1493840282580.mp3 (10.85 MB, whim.mp3)

I just found this thing I composed.

I don't remember doing it but I guess I did.


I don't mind losing the anime, at least I have an AB account and I can get any old show I might want, but nyaa had a lot of other stuff that might become very hard to find reliable downloads for now, from h-games to albums and artbooks etc


This too, it was also the largest source of JAV on the internet.


Boys should wear women's clothing.


is that one /what/friend who have been to japan years ago still here?


Which one? There was the one that talked with gropy and there was remi-anon.


Blah blah blah, i already commented on that, maybe you should've been clearer in your first post.


I don't know exactly, remi-anon was the one who went with his onee-chan right?


remi-anon went with her onee-chan and they shared a picture of them in front of the Tokyo Tower I think!!


File: 1493859333997.jpg (2.57 MB, 2336x4160, remineechan at tokyo skytr….jpg)


Oh, it was the sky tree! ii ne~


Ah, that's nice.


File: 1493871347824.webm (Spoiler Image, 8.25 MB, 1280x720, white boy in japan.webm)



www cute!


Is this real


No, it's a anime…


You wanna know what else is an anime?

My cock


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Moved around my apartment with my fiance and it was a bitch but not as bad as the last time since I didn't almost die from moving that damn 375lb china cabinet; nearly breaking my neck. We also didn't fight during the moving and that was nice.

I did blow out my wrist on my right hand though.
Guess I gotta use my left for jerking it now..


>Guess I gotta use my left for jerking it now..

He doesn't help you?


I think his fiance isn't real I thought it was too but then I realized it wasn't a girl and it wasn't even a boy


You're probably thinking of the black guy with Kasumi.


No this guy


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In other events I'm managing to piss off my next door neighbour who's a wimpy shut-in by looping the song Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics. He bangs on the wall to try and get me to stop instead of confronting me.
He also runs away when he sees me outside.

We help each other but some days we're both too tired for sex.

He's real.


Are you actually gay or did you just turn gay cuz you couldn't get agf


I was always into boys, in my late teens when that emo craze shit happened I had a few weird girls try and get with me and I always turned them down.

It made some of them annoyed me even more though when I did that..


Fucking fag.


I wonder if goth/emo will ever make a comeback.

I honestly don't think it could happen for another couple decades.


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File: 1493924097705.webm (6.85 MB, 640x360, Bo Burnham - Lower Your E….webm)

Pretty much.

I wonder if it ever will too but by the time it does I'll be old as Trevor's love obsessions.


>that song

My standards can't possibly get any lower (while remaining straight). Still no girl wants me.

It's just not fair.


Let's see your standard


- Is female

That's it. If I was going for my dream girl:

- Wouldn't ever cheat/divorce
- Virgin
- Wants kids
- Not feminist
- High sex drive
- Low self-esteem
- Quiet/peaceful/timid
- Affectionately loves me

Don't care at all what she looks like, but in fact I would prefer her to be a bit ugly


Just marry an ugly Indian or Asian foreign bitch. Even filipino


Last night I configured my PS4 controller to be able to wirelessly control my media player.

If only I had a nice TV, I would sit on the couch and watch anime on a TV.


4pq told me that god will forgive all the whomos anyway, so all the /what/friends will get to meet up in /what/heaven.


He won't do this because he's lying. He wants an attractive gf


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I just watched Battle Angel Alita, then downloaded Maison Ikkoku and watched the first episode.

I wouldn't have been able to watch either if I wasn't on a private tracker.

How did things get this bad? I don't see this issue getting fixed anytime soon, it could be easy to create a Nyaa alternative where people can download recent anime, but there will be no public tracker that has even close to the same library/selection as Animebytes or BakaBT for years, it is not something easy or quick to replace.

Will there be no more new people watching anime? They won't have access to 95% of anime if they're not on a private tracker, I feel for them.


rumor is bakabt will have applications some time soonish


I don't know if there are seeders, but if they were seeding on Nyaa they probably still will be now. Both are also on animetorrents which is open registration atm. Anime will be ok, untranslated eroge might be hit harder, I'm not sure how much PD has.


Did anyone with years old anime bytes accounts get them reactivated without issue?


>I don't know if there are seeders

Which half the time for older anime there wasn't.

Even so, your lucky if 1 release is seeded, you don't have nearly the same choice in releases.

This site isn't even really usable (while remaining sane) without knowing how many seeders are on a torrent, there was tons of unseeded content on Nyaa.

Why weren't you using AB the entire time?

I don't understand why you would use anything else when they don't even punish you for having a low ratio.


Also yeah, Nyaa was a major source of JAV, music, and visual novels/viruses.

But they'll make a way to upload to that pantsu site, add needed/missing features, and it will be like Nyaa never left.

The problem is that even if Nyaa never went down, I now realize that what I'm really upset about is BakaBT going private. The only thing that will make me feel better is if they make it very easy to get into, and they always keep admissions open.


I've been homeless for a year and wasn't watching much anime before that.i have terabytes of back log


> they always keep admissions open
I believe they want to be as open as possible. They didn't go private to close people out, nor was it to stop people from cheating on their ratio. It wasn't even due to concerns of being prosecuted, it was concerns of losing hosting due to illegal DMCA requests.


yeah I've been lurking /a/ because of all the chaos recently and people have said they've gotten re-activated no trouble.


Oh cool I should be fine then


File: 1494028224017.png (1.32 MB, 1474x830, 1493821615163.png)

Why am I getting ❤️ burn rn


If we had baka bt accounts from when they were public will we be ok


Yeah, but they pruned accounts for inactivity.


Aww shit. I logged in last summer was that too long


Just ask in irc thats what I did to get my animebytes renabled


They prune after 11 months, and it's a real-deal deletion, not just deactivation.



Just hope they have applications or something soon™.


why doesn't /what/mib ban the rudeposter?

she is always being rude and posting rude things and she's not nice at all!


girls hate boys


but there's no "she" in /what/


birls are girls


I'm gonna go smoke a beer


no chaser?



File: 1494102386851.jpg (759.63 KB, 1600x1131, 03891 kazami_yuuka touhou ….jpg)

I just found out that my sister's favtorite touhou is Yuuka Kazami.

I wonder if I should be concerned…


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I just found out that my sister's favourite touhou is Yuuka Kazami.

I wonder if I should be concerned…


That one wasn't meant to post; I thought I stopped it faster enough to fix the type-o.

Oh well, my blogging is so nice I say things twice…


File: 1494104000965.jpg (70.67 KB, 800x600, 1b18b429d6ab2a1027d9184ecf….jpg)

just delete the post

also you sister has shit taste, the Hongster is obviously the best touhou


I don't have the password…

She's alright but I always liked shikieiki the most, I always thought my sister would pick Alice.


How old is your sister


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I wish the Hongster would give me a love letter…


File: 1494105613760.png (261.98 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170506-171846.png)

How do I move to Netherlands


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She's 17.

And if anyone here gets any funny ideas I'll tie them up and insert very painful things up their anus while clacking like Marik from YuGiOh.


is she hot?


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He can buy as many cans of pringles he wants now.


File: 1494136040161.mp3 (1.46 MB, aidsmix.mp3)

Well I said I would…


you need a european passport


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i do


Why? I'm straight


Someone said i looked like a girl yesterday.


Do you ever wear skirts


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(stolen from /qa/)


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Eggs the fuck


File: 1494275859026.webm (53.28 MB, 1280x720, Fan_tasia.webm)

You just can't beat Disney.


That "Dare" sample had me freaked out.


This page (http://4chan.org) is currently offline. However, because the site uses Cloudflare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by Cloudflare


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That swimsuit is way too tight for such a big cummer!


File: 1494377149056.jpg (135.83 KB, 500x451, 1470196917307.jpg)

>- elsy: last online 156 days ago…..


Elsy was a dog?


I think ota just got deleted?



Huh? It's working for me.


Liar, I checked with a proxy, it's not just otamin banning me.


Somebody is spamming the anime thread again, so maybe otamin finds it easier to freeze the site to deal with him.

When I go to ota I just get a blank screen with no text.


Oh it's just /jp/. You can still post on /om/ and /2d/.


Seems to just be jp.


File: 1494449240482.jpg (558.13 KB, 800x565, 2eaaa617d0b7e308cc615f887c….jpg)

Thanks for the update otamin.

How is the spammer getting so many different IP addresses you think?


I WISH I was otamin.


File: 1494461125821.png (298.24 KB, 1031x1135, nen.png)

check out these mysterious /nen/ threads!

the top one was ghost bumped and then it somehow went back to page 7 or 8. and the bottom one is completely MIA!



*no comment*



You don't have to buy over-priced things at Whole Foods, there's healthy foods for fair prices.


Good, buying organic whole foods at Whole Foods is a smart healthy purchase.

They could buy dumb/unhealthy/over-priced garbage at other places too, that would be worse.

Buying expensive fresh organic meat and fresh organic fruit/vegetables might be expensive, but it's certainly not dumb, if I could afford to eat like that I would.


File: 1494467586993.jpg (403.62 KB, 600x600, 9364ff175e74f574797af628e2….jpg)

*snap snap snap*


Why would you save this image?
I shouldn't have posted it, it's a bad image in poor taste. I'm sorry.

I thought of the little dog as representing the unyielding loyalty of elsy's friendship.


My current HDD is dying, which would be the best software to clone the HDD with?





Native Japanese honey bees have evolved a nasty, yet effective, way of handling killer hornet scouts, however. They set a trap for killer hornet scouts, which the Japanese honey bee colony will allow into their hive, and even allow the scout to spray its pheromone around inside the hive. The Japanese species of honey bee then swarms all around the scout. They do not sting the scout, but cook it to death by flapping their wings all over, building a high temperature, as they fully envelope the lone killer hornet. Thermal cameras have been used to capture this unique way of the Japanese honey bee to protect their hive in a National Geographic video. The surrounding mass of honey bees vibrate, collectively raising the temperature to 117 degrees Fahrenheit. The Japanese honey bee can tolerate a temperature of 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Conversely, the Asian hornet can only tolerate temps of 115 degrees Fahrenheit. So the lone hornet scout is “baked” to death by the collective body heat of the army of Japanese worker bees.


>The surrounding mass of honey bees vibrate, collectively raising the temperature to 117 degrees Fahrenheit. The Japanese honey bee can tolerate a temperature of 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Conversely, the Asian hornet can only tolerate temps of 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

It's pretty much proof God exists isn't it?


File: 1494516414870.webm (2.1 MB, 854x480, 1454829671242.webm)

when you have to pee really bad


yuno doesn't p**s


because i thought it was cute in a very sad way


Does she s**t?



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Every time I have diarrhea my heart rate increases and I feel fatigue and short of breath for hours


kwute dwoll


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romantikku ageru yo


File: 1494600423151.webm (9.21 MB, 640x480, DB-ENG ED.webm)

I have a confession, I like the English ED better…

But now I think I might like the jap one better. Gonna post the eng and jp EDs (this release was already in vorbis audio, the audio was just copied not re-encoded).


File: 1494600471741.webm (8.69 MB, 640x480, DB-JP ED.webm)


you will never write some dumb anime blog with wordpress/geocities/blogspot in the early 00s and live out those dreamlike days.


I can't wait for the web to fall out of popular use and then maybe it will be comfy again.


>I can't wait for the web to fall out of popular use

You quite literally can't.

waiting for OP to deliver.jpg


Those days sucked too just in a different way


File: 1494615011080.png (236.61 KB, 640x480, 1494554096939.png)

>walk into tp
>see this
What do?


"Translate it weebs"


It got stuck halfway through, oh no!!


File: 1494651071037.png (88.04 KB, 946x293, 2017-05-13-004952_946x293_….png)


The new HDD I bought have 2 reallocated sectors and event count, is this normal? Should/could I RMA it?


if you have the receipt most places would let you just return it for store credit if nothing else.


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Went to the mall the other day to get my ring cleaned at People's and get some nice clothes at Le Chateau.

I feel so classy now…
I've transcended anything /fa/ could ever pull off.


I wonder if /what/min is proud of his LGBTQIA weeb board.


what does the last 3 letters mean?


I know the A is for asexual and Q is for questioning but I don't know what the I is for.


I is for intersex!






tanks for reminding me


next time i go to japan i'll take a lot of still pictures so that i can more easily share them with my /what/friends when i return from my journey!!!


Where do you go? Akihabara? Hokkaido?


when are you going


File: 1494863626107.jpg (51.05 KB, 746x800, >_<.jpg)


lots of places!

idk yet, maybe in a couple years.

( >,<)


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blog thread…


File: 1494987909911.png (323.27 KB, 640x480, 264764.png)

It seems like we have a necromancer on /what/.


whatmin, please the spam off the board


I actually don't think the front page even looks bad right now.

I've seen it way worse.


How much does accommodations in Japan cost anyway? Do you have to book in advance?


that's a silly question, it all just depends on where and when you stay!!

for example, a really fancy hotel in kyoto during cherry blossoms would be really expensive and you would need to book maybe even months in advance.


Stay with a host family? Yeah it's kind of jarring but also probably saves a lot of money. You don't have to do teaching for that either,.


What about on average? Are you the /what/friend that have been there before?

How does that work? Airbnb?


/what/min please just ban the spammer.


I really messed up and/or got unlucky for most things in life. I'll never be a talented feminine /what/birl with loads of money so I might as well just kill myself.

Wish me luck!!


How are you gonna do it


Tell me about your life.





File: 1495211865151.jpg (737.85 KB, 1000x1221, 1488749549209.jpg)

To find love and acceptance one must first love him/her self first….





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This voice actor seems really familiar.


File: 1495287857016.webm (11.16 MB, 1280x720, [MMD] Toxic Everybody.webm)



dragon loli, bunne girl, hai doumo-chan……



File: 1495321977933.png (44.43 KB, 800x600, 1493608809277.png)


Any /what/friends wanna blog in this thread??



Does anyone know of any guide to bitcoin and/or online trading?


Started working again. I always feel brain-dead when I talk to customers, like I'm not really thinking about what I say it just all comes out. I wish I didn't need money to live off of.


no sorry


How do I make friends, /what/? I used to have a few people I could talk to about anime and stuff, but they've disappeared…


Wish I knew…


You just add them on steamio and then you can talk to them and play geemus together and stuff!!


Add people on social media accounts & pretend you like them.


Henri sticks out on /nen/ like the big dumb /ota/ refugee that he is.


i haet henri!!


File: 1495434713601.png (1023 KB, 840x1155, 1495430250639.png)

Nenmin why do you hate me


What did henri do to you?


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does anyone take cold showers?


Yeah they're good for you


I don't have any social media accounts though.


Is this a screenshot for RCT4???


File: 1495467054877.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1036, [35mm] Koe no Katachi - A ….png)





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Maybe tmrw I will put some girljeans on and buy some okashi and other snackus.


File: 1495552086327.jpg (78.88 KB, 512x512, 1495469025418.jpg)



don't eat too many okashis or you will stop fitting in your girljeans


This is the worst thing ever


The image or the situation?


The image. These >when things don't make any sense. Who are they even quoting?


What doesn't make sense about cucking your own son?


/what/min why it take so long for del'd things to go away on index.php?? i even hit ctrl+Fren5 and it still there. what should i doushiyou???


i mena index.html, sorry


Someone has to make a new post before a deleted thread on the front page fully disappears.

I don't know why it happens, somewhere in the source code there is a bug.


File: 1495600259005.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.17 MB, 2000x2000, __shimakaze_kantai_collect….jpg)

/what/sock awaiting her next customer!




Tell nenmin to unban me


how can you be sure it's the real remiremiremimreimianon, anayone can save those pictures….


only remi-anon should be allowedo to post those remi images….


Is /what/ Y2K ready?




It would be hotter if it was her bf not son wtf


File: 1495629310231.jpg (Spoiler Image, 68.92 KB, 605x689, DAcstYoXcAEHTfn.jpg)

( >,<)


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Cummies is a normalfag meme now.

You'd be surprised, basically every 4chan meme has spread into normalfag territory, on Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, etc.


It's been like that for years


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I mind broke my fiance sexually and now he gets on his knees and calls me master when he wants sex or other things.

This is a feeling like nothing I've ever felt before, this is a better feeling than beating Perfect Cherry Blossom on lunatic…


I wish a girl would do that to me


I thought you were the masochist.


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I'm a bit of a switch, I enjoy being hit but only when I allow it and I like giving oral.

I also enjoy the dominating stuff more though, things like scratching, hair pulling and verbal degradation. I also give commands on what is to be done in terms of sexual positioning and I'm always on top; I never bottom.


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File: 1495668743215.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.1 KB, 401x326, denis.jpg)

I'm always on top; I never bottom.



Most American video I've seen in a while.


would impregnate


I don't normally read these genres but this wasn't too bad.


File: 1495749627941.png (252.62 KB, 1007x677, ah.png)

I'm enjoying it too.


Trap magnet Ochi


gucci she dont fuck with GAP now


File: 1495810406949.jpg (Spoiler Image, 142.3 KB, 960x944, 14051688_284967411883769_6….jpg)

I threw out all my cosplay stuff so I could make room for a more mature/stylish wardrobe.

I got myself some retro clothes spanning from the 70's to the 80's.

Oh hello again, I thought you died due to crippling depression. You should really update your catalogue on me…


File: 1495815181800.png (416.83 KB, 750x1000, __hotarumaru_touken_ranbu_….png)

we've been engaged for 4 months now so you tell me.

>seems like an innocent guy

If only you knew…, there's more to people than what you pick up in a reverse image search.


File: 1495815749105.png (507.76 KB, 641x806, 1493267064313.png)

Sure if you want.


File: 1495816448566.gif (2.34 MB, 600x540, 1489080149479.gif)

It is a deep relationship, we even live together. He's also right beside me right now over looking all this..


File: 1495817325546.jpg (27.21 KB, 283x323, this-fucking-cat.jpg)

Thanks, stalker-kun..


i just realized how much you look like a gay and skinnier version of my cousin, also your bf should keep his hair natural colored, it'd look better


Whatmin please fix the catalog and make the site secure!


What do you mean by secure?

We do have HTTPS, it's just that it's a self-signed certificate (you have to pay money otherwise), and modern browsers will give you a very scary warning.

The self-signed certificate works just as good, and the purpose of HTTPS, the encryption/privacy, is still completely valid.

Catalog doesn't work and idk why.


File: 1495836851727.jpg (12.04 KB, 405x31, what.JPG)

Oh okay, I was just wondering why it said this.


Because you're not using HTTPS

Try this, and ignore the scary warning.



You don't have to pay money though! I told you this before, /what/min!


File: 1495837616519.jpg (13.12 KB, 510x31, what.JPG)

I can't live like this.




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It took me 2 months to convince him of that, he stays with his natural colour now and finally.

The blonde doesn't work too well..


good work, don't pound his boypussy too hard


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It was very cloudy, not even any sun,

Japanese wear the surgical masks for the same reason, they just feel more comfortable hiding their face in public, because they have low self-esteem.


Is she a member of a super sentai?


Someone is viral advertising fidget spinners on 4chan.

They're trying to make a meme out of them. I am 100% certain this is an actual marketer from a company that makes fidget spinners.

They're stress toys primarily to give retarded/autistic children something to play with. It makes perfect sense that they would advertise on 4chan.



It was viral marketed all over the place, but I doubt 4chan was involved. It's already a huge deal on social media apparently, as that's where all the images are coming from.


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/what/friend having fun!


He doesn't looks like he's enjoying himself at all


He is, trust me!




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it's too crowded on the /nennen/ now i don't like it as much anymore…


This is my blog:

I fried two eggs today and then i ate them with toast.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!
Please have a nice day!!


Real men eat 5+ eggs at a time.


I liked it a lot more when it was slower, now people keep making the same idol threads every single day…


File: 1496152661536.jpeg (85.28 KB, 864x717, what.jpeg)

This is /what/, we don't talk about masculinity here.


It's all /ota/. I just hope they don't bring all the sh*tposters who invaded their site to /nen/. And hopefully they'll return at some point.


I hope otaman fixes his shitty site so they can return home


Nenmin will ban them, don't worry.


i'd be very sad if "those people" ruined /nen/ too, it's the last place on the internet i can still enjoy


It got around 50 unique IPs over the last month.
That's only like a 5% increase but they're much more active than the regular users and they post a lot more often, so it seems very crowded compared to before.


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wow, check out this picture I found! I thought it was a photograph from the thumbnail at first but it's actually just an anigirl waiting patiently for frens!


Neat, thanks for sharing.


ii ne


I always posted lots of idol threads on nen you're just over thinking it.


I'm glad you liked it.


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Bought this $20 DAC/AMP for my headphones, just as good as my >$80 Fiio E10 amplifier that had a busted headphone jack.

Really needed some kind of amplifier because built-in audio was way too quiet with my headphones, this is loud enough for ATH M50x.




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I hate myself so fucking much


when i first came into /what/ it was a sad and friendly and a bit gay board, then it became just sad and gay and then just gay. nowadays it's mostly spam sometimes still gay and sad but not very friendly anymore.
very sad


are you a literati


I try to be friendly and gay (happy), but when I see spammers I really need to let it all out!!!


tekken 7 is 36gb fuck me


I'm friendly!!

/what/ is still friendly too, please beliebe me, we still whatch mobies together and do friend stuff like talk to each other about nice things and stuff please please belieb…


Bull shit you guys all ignore me and bully me


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loli nikki from mirai nikki


You are an exception not the rule.


Delete all of his posts already, whatmin. He's even started spamming in the what-ch thread, just ban him.


my yandere gf


Please stop I feel sick to my stomach


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This is a nice anime, I like this anigirl's seiyuu too, she has a nice voice.
I can see why that cute /what/ gayboi liked this anime too (RIP).


Season 2 never


Not everything is about you, you attention-seeking egocentric sack of shit.


So is /what/min ever going to ban schizo retard or do we have to wait until he kills himself?


I range-banned him.

No more spam threads from schizo, I'm done with it.




Now /what/ can finally go back to having frenly and nice threads!


oh hey what's up


i'm so happy



File: 1496520246040.gif (750.09 KB, 256x194, 1415843877121.gif)

Finally, good work, and now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


File: 1496522185411.webm (129.33 KB, 1280x720, i am bery happy.webm)


I wish whatmin was my girlfriend (whatmin is actually a super hot girl)


but how is her fashion sense?


she only wears super long clothes and covers her hair because she's a fundamentalist christian girl




sounds like marriage material


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File: 1496625076663.jpg (85.77 KB, 1024x576, [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….jpg)

i would love some judas priest


sorry i only want libre beer



I will make small announcement about birthday threads tomorrow maybe.

I'm sorry, thank you.

Farewell for now.


Thanks for your hard work.


thank you.


thank you




Oh no, I'm sorry. I made it seem like I disappear or something, bad wording, I'm sorry.

It has been about 1 year since I did birthday threads and everyone who signed up has had a birthday, but I think some of those friendos are no longer here.

I also know some friendos wanted to join, the old form was open but I didn't want to post it in case someone signed up twice or something and it make it more confusing. I'm sorry.

If you'd like to join for this year or you'd like to participate again, I made a new form that you can use.


Please use this form if you would like to participate this year.

If you would like to join, please sign up with this form!!

And if you signed up before and you'd like to join again, make sure you sign up again with the new form!!

So please join please, I don't want any /what/friends to feel lonely on birthday. All your /what/friendos are here, thank you everyone.


I really enjoyed my thread this year! When's your birthday and who's your favorite anigirl or 2hu, /what/friend? You need a thread too.


I was worried you were going away and there'd be no more friendos to wish me a happy birthday


/what/min should just hellban the poop poster…



poop poster here
the recent poops weren't mine, it was someone else
sorry for the confusion



I've only drank sencha, never matcha.


this is nice


ii ne


I know most people here aren't the type to attend these kind of events, but I'll be going to AX for the first time. Just wondering is anyone else here going?


Make sure you say hi to milgy.


Who's that?


File: 1496936658665.jpg (1.51 MB, 1500x983, 623a22f426e6dceacf572c7371….jpg)

i had a really nice and pleasant dream about a really cute and nice and frenly girl who was nice and we were frens and did frenly things like visiting nice places outdoors but mom woke me up and because i got up too abruptly i forgot most of the dream. I wish I could dream the same dream again 2nite


I had a dream I was fucking that frenly girl right in front of you while you watched and cried but then your mom woke me up and begged me to fuck her.


wow, ii ne!!

I had a terrible dream, but it's better to forget those.


/what/frens (≧∇≦)/


i had a dream where i was kicking really hard and i kicked a wall next to my bed it really hurt.



I'm going if you want to meet, I went alone to my first con a little while ago and it seemed like some of the events might have been more fun with a friend.


Another other anime like psycho pass? An anime with world building that feels like a real show and not moestuff


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Another isn't much like Psycho Pass, watch it if you like pies.


tokyo ghoul i guess


I hope that going to China this summer won't be too bad


China is big as f, bigger than it looks on most maps.

It has Tibet, China goes all the way up north into Siberian forests, has Gobi desert (only place left with wild camels), a large portion of the Himalayan mountain range, and swamps/wetlands.

Shame that many portions of it are over-populated, and heavily polluted.


DON'T GO YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!


Whereabouts? Under what circumstances?


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I'm going to China with my family to meet up with my other relatives. I think we're just going to Shanghai and maybe Beijing


However, it's just for 3 weeks so we probably won't do much


I hear summer in China can be all kinds of bad so watch out


I had a stopover at Shanghai when I last went to China as a child. Never been to Beijing.


/what/ is probably banned in China… sigh……



respond please


I'll update if it is or not

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