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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Valium and liquor bros. Best way to kill yourself


That's actually really hard to kill yourself with.

Alcohol+Benzos are the deadliest and worst withdrawals on Earth though.


I think the worst part about this poster is that because he spams this bullshit everywhere I no longer will take any suicidal poster seriously because theres a 99.9999% chance its this stupid fucking spamming failednorm whiner r9kpolfreak.


You never took anyone crying out for help seriously, don't try to kid us


Wut? Not a long term addiction retard, just one night of a really high dose of both lol. Cozy sleep never wake up


I don't even look at any new threads anymore, it's literally all him and his gay spam



High quality threads on the front page right now not made by schizo spammer.

Although I fully agree, like 90% of threads on the entirety of /what/ are just Dani/Schizo/Haysuz spam.


/what/min delete these fucking virus links.




are you retarded lmao

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