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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Would you date a girl who's fucked other men and been in strong relationships before you


uhh, yeah obviously


They don't exist above age 14 and that's illegal.

I have no choice.


hell no!


Find an Eastern mail order 👰


Don't forget that all /what/birls are essentially virgin girls on the inside and the inside is where you stick you p3n0s so it's not even gay.


Just get a girlfriend you fucking loser holy fuck lmao


Only if the guys she was with were way more handsome than me and had huge dicks.


It means our personal connection is so good that she would choose me over them.


I wouldn't date that type of woman.


You don't have a choice in the matter.


She can't force me, I am stronger than her and can beat her up.


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