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File: 1493427455859.jpg (294.19 KB, 1280x1822, 004 (2).jpg)


Shiki Thread :3 meow


Who is this Shiki babe?


meow meow :3


File: 1493428460714.jpg (Spoiler Image, 368.75 KB, 529x800, __kirishiki_sunako_shiki_d….jpg)

This is the same girl right?


File: 1493434860967.jpg (1.07 MB, 1290x1556, 1491254851173.jpg)

She is the date rape idol.


When is the second season coming out?

Athe episode 26 it was a shit ending with no substantial resolution.


date rape idol as in she date rapes you or you date rape her?


How could a girl date rape a guy?

He wouldn't be able to get an erection, and is there even one documented case of a girl drugging a guy just because she wanted to shove something up his butt?


How did you underline your words


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That's so hot


Not really the same thing, but is this the luckiest guy on Earth?


I saw that one years ago!
Lots of people laugh at it at first or say he's really lucky, but if the sexes were reversed it suddenly becomes the most disgusting and vile act ever.

I wouldn't mind whipping up a fake news story that's essentially the same but with the roles reversed just to see what kind of reaction it would get out of the masses.


Do it then


> but if the sexes were reversed it suddenly becomes the most disgusting and vile act ever.

Everyone already knows this.

I'm not even sure if it's hypocrisy, I think there's good reason for people not to care about female on male (statutory) "rape", but I can't quite articulate why.


I didn't say it was statutory rape.


Because I'm talking about female on male rape in general, statutory or not.

English as second language?


Stop trolling me.


File: 1493530935394.jpg (224.31 KB, 900x1380, __ichinose_shiki_and_jouga….jpg)

my chemical romance




that pink haired babe had some sweet fashion unfortunately the first two episodes didn't do much to make me interested so I dropped it

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