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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1492029074831.jpg (276.72 KB, 720x540, bulm.jpg)

 No.16639[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (100% boobies) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


File: 1492029199702.jpg (117.35 KB, 500x706, 4c162ed5371f3c57ea3f5fe9b4….jpg)

I wish I had a big boobie anime gf


File: 1492029214111.jpg (34.74 KB, 374x385, 1491852920985.jpg)

i hate myswelf so much


File: 1492029733863.jpg (538.67 KB, 937x1500, happy birthday hitler.jpg)

I hope I remember to post this on 4/20 it will be super funny.


File: 1492029894294.jpg (2.92 MB, 3473x1428, 002.jpg)



File: 1492029953675.png (460.64 KB, 387x418, enhanced.png)



I wonder what Mugi's hair smells like.


Her top hair smells like a floral shampoo.

Her bottom hair smells like honey and girl sweat.


i hate myshelf so much


File: 1492033473261.webm (25.85 MB, 480x360, Telephasic Workshop.webm)

I was bored so I set old footage to a BoC song.

Free Internets to anyone who can figure out the subliminal meaning in it..


File: 1492038637373.jpg (136.62 KB, 564x1411, 6e906801cd93cc0ba4743ded14….jpg)



What's a corrector? I always just applied concealer after foundation.


that's for fags!


File: 1492049632356.webm (Spoiler Image, 8.75 MB, 1280x720, cat eyes.webm)

ayy lmao


File: 1492068179267.png (2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 2017-04-13-032045_1920x108….png)

I don't think I've ever seen a more boring metropolitan area.


My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all and even if I could, it'd all be grey. But your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad.

It's not so bad~


The heck you on about?
It's got two 1.5-lane roads filtering traffic for a really wide road in the middle and it's all one-way traffic so it must be an extremely busy road at times and it's got two strips of lovely trees dividing the side roads and a third strip of trees along the sidewalk!

I'd love to cross that road one day, it's a really exciting road!!!


File: 1492069901169.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.01 KB, 397x453, check.jpg)

Haven't heard this song in probably 10 years, should I feel bad for liking it?



You stole my numbers…

Check this out.


This is like an alien planet, I can't believe it's real.


File: 1492070980606.jpg (180.26 KB, 1920x1080, A7PR2Rs.jpg)

>watching Sakura Gakuin for the past years
>some of them are really talented singers
>realize that having a good voice doesn't mean shit anymore
>most girls realized it too
>they start doing stupid shit and acting retarded to pretend to be silly and cute
>Soyoka is the only acceptable dumb girl
>the other girls can't even compete
>mfw Sakura Gakuin is over for me

Amuse, Inc. haven't produced a decent idol in almost 7 years, what's the point of doing all this shit?


youre supposed to watch the anime idols not the real ones?


Correction: you're supposed to watch anime idols (the real ones).


File: 1492105608643.webm (6.24 MB, 720x480, 2017-04-13 08-01-38_1.webm)



Is that Bob Marley?


this looks really nice for a city


File: 1492118974563.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.54 MB, 960x540, menma.webm)

This girl is cute.


Virgin detected.


Are you white? Serious question. If you were genetically similar to her and had white skin like that, you would probably find her attractive then.

Pale white people usually aren't particularly attractive to other races that aren't pale white, as in, they might like white girls but they would _prefer_ a darker skin tone of white, which is a good thing, they don't need to defile the Irish/British cute girl genes.


I'd rather jerk off


all the retards that talk about genocide via breeding forget that breeding is overwhelmingly consensual and if the white trash are stupid enough to breed with other races then it's really just natural selection in action - it's a consensual genocide.


> if the white trash are stupid enough to breed with other races

The large majority of women from all races don't have any sense of racial pride, and would hypothetically race-mix if allowed and the opportunity is convenient/accessible.

It's up to the men of the society to not allow them to do so, it is up to a father to not allow a daughter to do it. It makes me happy when I hear about a Chinese man only allowing his daughter to date/marry Chinese, preserving thousands of years of pure Chinese blood.



thank you for the fix

missed these boobers the first time


Your misogyny is stopping you from thinking clearly about gene pools.

Let me repeat, if someone (such as a girl) is too stupid to keep their genes pure, then their genes will naturally be removed from the gene pool. It's as simple as that, it's no one's responsibility except their own to propagate their genes. Why are you advocating to unnaturally propagate the genes of stupid people by interfering with the process?


Why is it so important to preserve races anyway? Is it only because of pride, or are there biological reasons?


bitter virgrageitis


It's not important at all.

Pride is sickening, especially a collective pride (such as racial superiority, nationalism etc.) as those that display it the most typically have little individual pride (such as pride in their own personal achievements and successes in art, sport, craft, business, academia etc.).


you have such a way with words i want you to pound my boypucci


>Why is it so important to preserve races anyway?
It's not at all. In fact, all non white races should perish.


Your people are being bred with ours. They will be the survivors after ww3


No one is "being bred". They just fuck whatever because they're all a bunch of hedonists.


I will breed your boypussy


File: 1492222328893.png (89.49 KB, 400x400, 2cutewhatfriends.png)

/what/ is really gay…


It's not gay if it's with a /what/friend!


This is only true because all /what/friends are female!




File: 1492271533742.gif (391.66 KB, 500x300, 500.gif)

Me on the left.


wow you were trying to kiss her against her will you fucking committed sexual assault i'm calling the police


is this abuse???


Depends, what if I said you were the one on the right?


File: 1492310573183.png (219.07 KB, 680x766, rumia.png)

You shouldn't hit each other! Hitting is a form of bullying and that's not allowedo on /what/…

Please have a nice day today /what/!


File: 1492311162047.png (653.76 KB, 1280x720, me.png)



fuck off tripfag


File: 1492360615159.png (1.81 MB, 1920x1080, what.png)

>/what/ (all 4 of them)


i like fangs


File: 1492372021801.jpg (790.21 KB, 600x1154, 41247562_p1.jpg)

Happy bunny day, everyone! Make sure to look at lots of cute bunnies today.


File: 1492376691583.png (51.63 KB, 226x382, 2014-07-17-212823_226x382_….png)

Happy Easter, a day to commemorate Jesus Christ returning from the dead 3 days after he was crucified by Jewish leaders under the command of Pontius Pilate, 2000 years ago.


Uh the eggs and the 🐰 have a different meaning. Take the red pill


File: 1492377581788.png (58.24 KB, 289x295, 2014-07-17-214615_289x295_….png)

Yes it's about sex too.


File: 1492379115985.png (2.6 MB, 1920x1080, 2017-04-16-170200_1920x108….png)

Kid: Mommy look gayjin
Mom: Haha he waitu piggu baka yaro, watashi no musume


It's Rabi! HI RABI!!!!!!!
Please say hi to me!!


File: 1492385623617.png (377.27 KB, 975x807, bunne and cicken.png)

Wow, /what/ is really cute!!


I saw a real cute live bunny at my uncle's house today


File: 1492393540542.jpg (63.86 KB, 700x673, turnip.jpg)


File: 1492393633969.gif (53.49 KB, 828x472, 1484437878417.gif)



he looked like that!


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File: 1492407632783.jpg (844.19 KB, 1243x1056, 1492406879001.jpg)

please send help


Hope he finds a home with a good owner.


That's a girl….


It's FtM?

Anyway, I'm serious I hope it finds a good owner soon.


How does /what/min keep the costs down for running a dead imageboard + gay ERP chat server?


>dead imageboard

Are you happy? Ota will die too, and nothing will be left of /jp/.

It's not good when any /jp/ spinoff dies.


ota has been dead for a long time


File: 1492440590107.jpg (49.35 KB, 960x539, keanu image 27 of 364.jpg)


File: 1492440629666.jpg (40.02 KB, 800x600, keanu image 92 of 364.jpg)


File: 1492446311844.jpg (88.13 KB, 785x720, 1443112653609.jpg)



File: 1492450127090.jpg (73.52 KB, 1280x720, sena-embarassed-confession.jpg)

Other users found a board according to their interests, as I said before on ota, /jp/ is not about otaku culture anymore, we have to move on, why I have to deal with teenbros and ERPing homos if I can post on another board with less retarded people?


File: 1492453997134.gif (808 KB, 1066x600, 1492381634578.gif)


Is it that easy to get a credit card in the usa?


They give out credit cards to people with horrible credit rating, histories of not paying off debt, and people who they know can't pay off the debt.


Why and what happens when they can't pay off their debt?


They have to use their body to pay off the debt.


anxiety anime girls!


File: 1492473084648.jpg (59.05 KB, 1280x720, anxiety.jpg)

Anime girls suffering from anxiety! ( >,<)


/what/boys doing /what/things



don't bully!


*Punches you in the gut* fucking cuck


I wonder if /what/min is still trying to test anything with test.php or if he gave up.


File: 1492544504592.png (73.35 KB, 500x378, males vs females.png)



Remove the fucking pedo weeb shit so I can use it on my normie apps


I thought being a pedo weeb was mainstream on Twitter and Facebook now.


lol so tru have an upvote


How many years did it take for the male side to be edited? When was the first edit posted? Because that will tell you exactly when our communities became welcoming enough and safe enough that females would express themselves according to their gender. It's not my first time seeing this edit but it made me wonder, because I don't remember seeing any edits for years after the original image was made.


True, it is a very late edit, because that's been around for years unedited.

Why do you think a girl made the edit? I don't think girls are creative/funny enough, or understand how to use image-editing software that well.


my high school photography teacher was a young lady (christmas cake i guess but still cute!) and she was really good with photoshop and stuff!!


File: 1492588569854.jpg (576.03 KB, 1413x1329, 1416416548839.jpg)



File: 1492589339713.png (156.31 KB, 223x786, image.png)





im not sure if i dislike gnteenbros or r9k posters more.


You're worse than them both


hmmmmm no I don't think so.


I agree with the image on the left though. When I'm trying to take a picture of an object, I try to included as many other things in the background as I can.


File: 1492635794240.jpg (55.16 KB, 492x697, 1367622124261.jpg)

my gf


what was it


that's remi-anon……


remi-anon can't leave the house because he's very sick so that can't be him…


No, that photo was from before she became sickly-anon!


It was the exact same post except it was a new thread and the image was called Capture.png at first, and then the second time he just did the same thing but with an extended kita like this:



File: 1492645576061.jpg (5.56 MB, 2287x3115, yande.re 390294 dress heel….jpg)



File: 1492645619724.png (1.93 MB, 1473x1080, shot0007.png)



Tomato. I hope I don't forget to post a similar birthday picture I've been meaning to post tomorrow.


Did you guys hear of that face app that lets you change pictures of yourself into older or female versions of yourself?
It lets you change any /what/selfie into a birl picture!


File: 1492645999661.png (519.76 KB, 720x540, 18473.png)

Please don't do it on Dani.


too scary, the thumbnail looks like a real photograph too.



File: 1492647175393.jpg (Spoiler Image, 18.38 KB, 417x417, dani borl.jpg)

I don't think the technology has been perfected yet…


The app itself isn't doing too bad of a job really. I thought the eyebrow was smudged into the hair, but it looks like that's meant to be the bangs or the side drooping down.

It's just that dani's selfies are really shit to begin with, so the app doesn't have much to work with…


File: 1492648792314.webm (4.08 MB, 1280x720, 11933.webm)



I just tried that app, and now I have a crush on the female version of me.


What's the app called


File: 1492650272304.jpg (Spoiler Image, 70.83 KB, 500x727, 1465504856408.jpg)







Fuck off


Um, rude.


I'm really sorry I thought you were lying


I've got a PC version if anyone wants to try it!


It's not a virus, dorkmin…


File: 1492661368606.jpg (531.11 KB, 1125x1600, techloligy.jpg)

Literally a virus probably.

93KB "FaceAppClient.exe"

You know, if you're dumb enough to run that…


File: 1492661516743.png (77.41 KB, 990x680, 2017-04-20 06_11_10-FaceAp….png)

Have you tried running it?


File: 1492661599661.png (522.31 KB, 1057x664, fujiyama-san smile.png)

Wow! Whatmin just protected us…

He really does care.


File: 1492661704775.png (665.71 KB, 990x680, 2017-04-20 06_13_52-FaceAp….png)

It's literally just the app…


File: 1492661801187.jpg (70.85 KB, 1008x720, lainsmile.jpg)

That guy tried to rootkit backdoor ctrl alt del ddos us and whatmin protected us.


No, and I'm not gonna setup a Windows VM for it.

Sorry if you're just uploading legitimate software, but no one should ever run "program.exe" that they downloaded from an imageboard (unless they can verify with a hash that it's real, or something).

Sorry, but I would honestly delete any binary executable someone uploads here.



File: 1492662105866.jpg (316.75 KB, 1067x1264, 1386538795001.jpg)

Fine I'll keep the app all to myself then!


File: 1492662197433.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 253.22 KB, 600x800, 1263cbc1c3387011a1392b7aa….jpeg)

Check out this cool pic, whatmin.


It's ok. Why not just post a link to the developer's website? Or did you pay for that malware on the deepwebs?

Thanks for trying to please me, but that's not quite what I'm into.


But she has a hairy pOOsy…


You call that a hairy poosy? I had to zoom in 5x to see that. This is very hot though.



It probably has a backdoor so he could get all your pics


It was programmed by anonymous Russian hackers and I'll have you know that I got the program free of charge!


File: 1492671521158.jpg (Spoiler Image, 12.8 KB, 300x225, 1492670203001.jpg)

/what/friend taking a selfie!


that's a scary wasp, not a cute fluffy /what/bee!


A wasp once chewed on my finger because I was eating greasy food with my hands outside and it was really cute and didn't hurt at all!


File: 1492687283903.png (129.21 KB, 430x239, wwww crazy.png)

キタ━━━( >,<)━━━!!


File: 1492708326270.jpg (138.43 KB, 800x1414, dafea896dd5f0acb550ee9ceae….jpg)



File: 1492710496037.png (Spoiler Image, 1.53 MB, 1473x1080, shot0004.png)

It was from Ninja Scroll btw.

Really well drawn and animated movie from the 80s. Very witty and clever.


File: 1492710568028.png (1.36 MB, 1473x1080, shot0003.png)


make him a girl


File: 1492714555097.mp3 (9.05 MB, Lucky Princess - Deadbeat ….mp3)



File: 1492717309031.jpg (141.59 KB, 1729x1729, trev.jpg)

His beard fucks with the program I think…


Yeah mine fucked with mine. I look like a tranny crack head


I turned out pretty cute but I only have a few stubbles since I haven't shaved in a few days…


Is that a birl? It looks like a girl but has no br***ts!


It's girl enough


The program obviously tries to turn beards into a shadow under their jaw.

It just doesn't work well.


Post the source you non-free heathen.



File: 1492751370608.webm (1002.82 KB, 540x360, 1448497646347.webm)



Is this a real girl?


Why does it matter? Xe's already got an Akari to cuddle with.


Yes, Akari is a real anime girl!


What's the point of this video?


To be nice and nice things with friends like anime frens and nice things, so don't forget!!


He was a boy.
She was a birl.
Can I make it anymore obvious?


You stole MY mene


I've been doing the "my mene…" shit since before you were even a boy, boy.


Why is not4jp on the top of the page?
Are whatmin and honduras-san the same person?


It's called reciprocal linking. You link to a website and they link back to you.


It's not the first time links to other boards have been up there. There used to be links to most of the /jp/ spinoffs.

hondymin linked my board at the top of his site, figured it'd only be nice to do the same, even if his plan was just to guilt me into doing it.


No that's Akari she's an anime character


what shouldnt i forget?


File: 1492802570594.png (17.96 KB, 675x98, 2017-04-21-152231_675x98_s….png)

Dormnorm deleted his post.


I just thought no one would care and felt bad for spamming threads. Do you want me to remake it?


That's not spam. Anyway what are you gonna do differently, masturbate to porn with the sound on?


No I just feel more comfy with privacy


File: 1492806980675.jpg (Spoiler Image, 320.13 KB, 1280x960, 1492806876001.jpg)

Check out my gf!


that guy killed himself


What a shame he looked amazing


did he post his beepee before dieing?


I'm pretty sure she 'shopped most of her pics, I think one of her irl friends explained it after she died but i can't remember the details at all anymore.

(that's ``GIMP'd'' for 4pq)


It's a he


File: 1492819947009.png (25.28 KB, 985x191, 2017-04-21-193218_985x191_….png)

Another daleeted bost.

Why didn't he go to the college Anime club? What could go wrong?


on /what/, we respect each other's birlnouns.


Why are you talking about me in the third person? Anyway I feel more comfortable making blog threads all day now that I know people care


Which volumes of ichigo mashimaro should I read?

The characters in the first volume look really different.


die freak.


1, 4, 7 and 9


Fuck off back to ota you fucking psycho loser


funny the schizo freak calling me a loser. go drown yourself in pity until you stop breathing freak.


I'm better than you loser


your blog threads make the opposite very evident. the world would be better off if you disappeared tomorrow freak.


Says the neet who takes image board spin off so seriously he tries to bully users to suicide on them lol you are the epitome of loser


Are you the same guy who makes posts like this on ota?


what told you I was a neet? Don't project your awful personality and disposition on others. If you're going to project anything project your body to the bottom of a river freak.


possibly, but I've seen other people copy my posting style so theres at least 3 people who actively detest freaks like this.


No fighting!!!


i'm not a neet. it's obvious you don't have any interaction other than jp spinoffs though


No, there's only one of you, just you.

If I was /what/min I would seriously consider banning you.


I wish you were there to encourage me to go. I could have gotten free food and made friends with weebs


he thinks he has a "style" of posting but really he's just a huge shit lmao

and blogger should just use the blog thread, idk why he bothers making a new thread for everything when everyone just ignores it thinking it's danispam.


File: 1492838059186.png (27.97 KB, 263x234, 2014-08-08-064236_263x234_….png)

Are these the volumes that 4pq recommends?


getting one (1) box of cummies from walmart.


I'm fine being a martyr if it gets schizo freaks banned too.


Why would it get me banned? Lmao cringe


Reddit time.


Haha like Hammer Time lol holy shit


File: 1492883968718.jpg (436.53 KB, 1126x1600, 008.jpg)

I remember when I did stuff like this.

Fun times..


File: 1492884945100.jpg (86.3 KB, 737x418, 1492881719001.jpg)

News flash!


File: 1492886932349.webm (3.32 MB, 1280x720, Ochinchin.webm)



Haha like Hammer Time lol holy shit



File: 1492924068799.jpg (1.16 MB, 1500x913, 1488408849334.jpg)


File: 1492926322781.jpg (456.35 KB, 1817x1200, 71946bf5fc93a0aab0c7e59c01….jpg)



Cool pic


File: 1492945068605.jpg (Spoiler Image, 399.88 KB, 644x780, 62542183_p0.jpg)



In the future, to reduce the rate of overpopulation, 9 out of 10 boys would be neutered before puberty and given birlmones throughout adolescence instead. It's for the good of all humanity…


puffy b-hole


File: 1492967234654.jpg (4.76 KB, 175x98, This is Kousaka Honoka mov….jpg)

I miss these threads so much. I tried looking for one to bump but from page 1 to 143 it's all just spam

whart-ch is ded just like my frens



I don't mean the blog threads, i mean "this is x anime girl doing y thing" threads


Whoah there no criticizing the schizo freak.


Yeah Dani and schizo made like 90% of the threads.



He said he doesn't mind my blog threads. Get rekt tardrager


Kill yourself retard. That wasn't even me. You're universally hated and better off dead. One of your idols sean doesn't even know you exist. Your other idol, trevor, literally closed his board to stop you from posting on it.


File: 1492993531762.webm (1.48 MB, 568x320, rika.webm)



That's not true only you hate me


Me and Sean have intricate conversations that are way over your head. Trevor could have blocked my signature or range ban me but he never did. I'm smarter than you and more important than you


"Sean and I"


File: 1492995491855.gif (1.29 MB, 800x450, 1411712270573.gif)



Stop fucking laughing at me. No one says and i


File: 1492995633982.gif (1.29 MB, 800x450, 1411712270573.gif)



Shut up


"Sean and I"


Few might say it like that in casual speech, but you're typing here and there's no excuse for not taking the time to type reasonably well.


It sounds pretentious and disengenuine


He's a schizo freak he doesn't care about how others feel.


This is heavy projection


What fucking pretension is there in using language to a standard used in elementary school?
"I'm not important enough to use language like that" - is your self-esteem really this fucking crippled?

Get a fucking grip, this isn't grammar pedant shit like missing commas. The "me and x" vs "x and I" shit is easily checked, drop the other person and see if it still sounds right:

>Me have intricate conversations…


>I have intricate conversations…

This is so easily and quickly checked, I don't know how anyone can continue making those sorts of mistakes.


No one talks like that language isn't math it changes slang is creativity me and the non autists are laughing at you


Methinks you aren't taking it as easy as you could be.


A+ cute voice acting.

Sometimes I switch to the dub if they'res cute white girls talking like anime character.


It's not a matter of slang or changing use, if you think "me have conversations" is sensible and acceptable grammar then use it, but you'll sound like a bonehead.

I already said casual conversation is unlikely to be like that, but different language mediums have different standards - typed and written mediums, especially when they aren't constrained by time or character length, tend to have higher standards than speech. You might find this sort of thing in a text message, a twitter post, or on /test-php/ but you won't find it in a novel outside quotes. I just feel that an imageboard (that doesn't have those same constraints) should have a similar higher standard as this really is the sort of stuff taught to 8yo kids.

I won't comment on it again if that's legitimately too much to ask. This is the same reason why I gave up with Denis and his "they're" "their" "there" shit. I'm happy to drop it.



I am a character here and I am speaking with quotes basically it's the same thing. We are characters


… the characters would still look like retards since that's the way the author wants it to be…


He's a schizo freak he doesn't care about how others feel.


File: 1493007909621.png (533.59 KB, 640x640, cover.png)

I'm using a Fiio E10, it's an amplifier for headphones, it has a switch on the hardware to turn on nigger bass.

I never used it before, but this nigger bass mode with my ATH M50x headphones is pretty crazy, the bass vibrates my entire head.

Newer versions of Firefox support FLAC now, if you're using Firefox, this should be able to play in your browser.



The m50s have nigger bass out of the box


Don't know why I'm still bothering


File: 1493097576117.png (Spoiler Image, 4.08 MB, 2731x938, 2017-04-25-011512_1920x108….png)

tfw no trailer trash gf

I got it all figured out, I'm gonna make a bunch of money, move to West Virginia where I can buy a nice house for only $50,000, and then find a white trash gf.


You can get them to block out your house if you want.


Yeah but just saying you can.

Little known fact, you can also put "_nomap" at the end of your router's SSID to prevent Google using people's Androids phones to automatically include your wifi network in a data-mining list.


Are you talking about street view because you can just go back to previous years on it


Oh God what


Where it says the date, you can just click on it and drag a little slider along to go back and forth between the old and new photos.


I wuv my wibbly wobblies on what dash ch dot mooo~ dot com slash what slash!



>before /what/

No, I've always live on /what/!


got that empty feeling in me balls


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Is that Bulma??


Yes, with her boyfriend Yamcha.


where are the scars? sounds like you're bullshitting me, pal


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It's actually from Megazone 23.

They correctly predicted "vision phones" in 1985, video chatting through a phone. They however did not advance past CRT televisions and VHS tapes.


I left out a comma..


wwww is okay i was only joke!!


Will you love me?


I love all of the /what/friends, including you!!!!!


File: 1493223738928.jpg (223.84 KB, 1920x1080, 2001 - A Space Odyssey (19….jpg)


Thank you. I love you.


Love me love me love me


File: 1493229094865.mp3 (12.03 MB, 10 Carpet Crawlers.mp3)

listening to this right now


gimme gimme hug





>tfw no mommy gf


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>On 4 August 2010, a Moscow court ruled that a single man who applied for gestational surrogacy (using donor eggs) could be registered as the only parent of his son, becoming the first man in Russia to defend his right to become a father through a court procedure. The surrogate mother’s name was not listed on the birth certificate; the father was listed as the only parent.

Hopefully artificial wombs will be created and made cheap. I don't think they're too far off.

I want to have a kid but not deal with roasties, and the marriage/parenting laws that are overwhelmingly on their side.


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I made a popular thread on /fit/


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A daleeted bost from ota.

Poor guy thinks he's dead but doesn't know it.


british boys doing british things (◡‿◡✿)


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This man needs to be dominated.


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who dis fag?


fuck i accidentally walked in on someone taking a shit at the gym his dick was big


looks like dennis after a crack binge lmao


not birly


boom boom boom boom, I want you in my room


File: 1493348252767.jpg (109.5 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sakura Ques….jpg)

Maybe she's the one who posts all that shit on the spinoffs?


Doubtful considering shes very cute and reserved and doesnt sperg out about it when talking to her friends.




That's forbidden


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This is the first very atsui day here.

Need to put in AC soon


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100% boobies


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>you will never be Japanese

Why are they so much more advanced than any other country in the world?


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I want one of those backpacks so bad.


Why so you can be the little girl?


why? the backpack would just get in the way when you're lying on the bed and I'm pounding your b*rlp***y.


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It's been a bad fast food week. This morning I got up early enough to stop by McDonald's for breakfast. It is somewhat novel for me, so I ordered an egg and bacon bagel combination with a large ice coffee.

I was listening to the Misery (Stephen King) audiobook and the line was a few cars and especially slow. I zoned out listening to the audiobook and looked up to see the car in front of me was already at the second window.

I stopped at the first window and no one was around. I waited a minute and thought that maybe the first window was closed at breakfast, so I drove to the second window.

The cashier, who I always see if I go to McDonald's at lunch time, glared at me and said, "I SAID to come to the FIRST WINDOW" in a really aggressive and intimidating manner. She was really angry looking.

Instead of my normal meek and somewhat anxious approach, I kind of snapped and said, "it's isn't that big of a deal, you didn't have to be a bitch" and accelerated really fast out of there. No payment and no food, which was probably a good thing because I had a Wendy's Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger combination and a caesar chicken wrap for lunch.

Anyway, this McDonald's is literally 3 blocks from my place and I go there 3-9 times a week. Even though she works the morning-afternoon shift, I often go there for an early lunch. She may be a manager now that I think of it.

I guess I can never go back there again unless it is really late and I don't recognize her voice on the PA system. What do you guys suggest? How can I defuse this if confrontation occurs? Should I contact corporate and make a formal complaint?

Thanks, it ruined my whole day and I hope I'm not blacklisted from a McDonald's so close to me.


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Wow. You fail follow basic instructions and then you insult her.

You suck, dude.


She probably laughed at you when you drove away. Driving was the beta thing to do, you should have stayed


Maybe she's more upset about it than you, because she knows she was being a bitch and feels bad.

She does work at McDonalds though, very stressful menial work, you're treated like trash and paid almost nothing.


There's this femdom girl on collar space that wants too make me her slave. I'm scared cuz she wants to me me her literal cuckold slave. She's hot and young should I do it


Are you a NEET with no future? Sure.

Do you make decent money? No.


I might have a future. Still I get so turned on just gym talking to her like Jesus


>literal cuck


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Hanging out with my /what/fren!


Ok fine I won't do it





I'm being forced to get a job


i like her taste in music

i saw a man carrying a randoseru today, quite bizarre


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it's a boy……


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i'm sorry, i meant it in a complementary way


Just fuck off, retard.


WTF? /what/min ban this nerdo bully.


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/what/friend does a curtsy


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Check out this epic anime gif.


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Cute lolis.


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>when you're so ugly you don't even register as human to the best face-recognition program on Earth

Legit the only time I've ever seen an unobstructed face uncensored.


LOL her hand evidentially looks more like a face


What do you think they talk about?


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Friendos and aisus.


there are some cheap tickets, maybe i should take a loan and go on a trip


Why would you go on vacation with money you don't have?


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Bretty good story and song 8/10


would you like to join me


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I've ordered it, it's on it's way.

I have really high hopes for this onahole, All the reviews say it's a looser hole that's easy to enter hands-free. I feel like I'm about to enter the future.


You can just fuck a /what/friend instead for free though…


Kill me, with your dick.


kimochi warui


Wow rude, are you a girl or something? You don't masturbate?


Hey steambros let's tell inside jokes that only us steambros will know.


1gooey!! wwwwwwwww


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Quite the harem he's got.


I'm sure I've seen this purple-haired girl somewhere….


The girl on the bottom right has a really [gold]pretty[/gold] smile and the girl next to her has a small and kind of cheesy smile that's really [pink]cute[/pink]!


I had a really bad dream


How do I make this happen to me?


You just dress up in frilly anigirl costumes and go to conventions.


You go to anime conventions and ask them to take a picture with you


Fucking kill me


can I take them home with me after that?


Do you want to talk about it?


I already forgotten it. Next time I'll write it down

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