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File: 1491868208536.jpg (156.2 KB, 916x1185, 1489271546564.jpg)


I need help


>/what/friend and /what/friend.jpg


you can't have slashes in filenames unless those are directories


What about on Linux


You can have back slashes (\) in filenames on Linux, but nor forward slashes.

I've seen hackers somehow upload filenames to imageboards with a / in the filename.


File: 1491881258645.jpg (53.67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game! -….jpg)

if you edit your body you submit you can make the filename whatever you want, since tinyboard doesn't validate it.


File: 1491882122734.jpg (324.33 KB, 658x1024, |?* .jpg)

something like this


ooh looks like they decided to strip those characters in the upgrade to vichan

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