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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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My roommates watch anime and play video games and are friendly but I still stay in my room feel anxiety around them


>Watching anime with other people

This would be extremely uncomfortable for me, why would normies ever do this?


That's because they're watching Naruto, not Boku no Pico like you, homo.


Lol I think they literally are, Naruto Shippuden


I know, dude. It's me, your roommate.


Ill watch with you guys


You have to suck our dicks if you want to hang out with us.


Wait you guys are gay?


You're a little sissy bitch boy so you don't count as a man, therefor it's not gay if you suck our dicks.


Wow how insulting I'm not doing it then


Don't give up


I think they're already starting to feel uncomfortable near me since I don't talk and act overly polite then go back to my room

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