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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1491802005982.jpg (51.6 KB, 622x350, 1491648635908.jpg)


Why am I so beta and shy


File: 1491802546644.webm (657.14 KB, 640x360, huggu.webm)

Cause everyone treated you like shit growing up.

Because you're not physically strong. You're not tall or muscular, so no one feels intimidated by you or respects you.

Because you have little to no financial or social status, no one respects you and it's hard to have a high self-esteem with no financial/social status in society.

Because you've never had a girlfriend or sex. You are undesirable to females and it effects your mental health.

I'm sorry it's ok give me a huggu.


Just kill me


File: 1491803029681.webm (2.98 MB, 1080x720, cirnocopter.webm)

i want to post a webm also


Don't be rude


Are you the wink cirno guy who owns those dolls and all the other cool toys?


File: 1491814143775.webm (1.43 MB, 1920x720, cirno2.webm)

no i am not


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