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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1491538377576.png (18.51 KB, 350x350, f7171ed87b3cfdc7454019d883….png)



>Almost every normalfag who has promiscuous sex gets HPV or herpes (condoms don't protect against it)

Thank you God, now I don't feel so bad. Can't you see diseases like this are obvious proof of God?


File: 1491539193764.jpg (46.65 KB, 1280x720, hitagismile.jpg)

Bitter virg BTFO.


It's the normies who have HPV (and will probably get cancer from it) who got BTFO.

They get genital cancer too, their vaginas literally rot away and kill them because they were sluts, do you not see the irony? It is such blatant proof that God exists.


File: 1491540330553.png (801.13 KB, 984x532, touch the cow.PNG)


Are you trying to tell me something by posting that pic? lol…


Take a guess.


Can I get this from public bathrooms and just living constantly on a college campus


no, of course not.
are you retarded?


One time the head of my penis touched the toilet seat and there was urine drops on it and my pee hole literally dipped into it


I'd see a doctor. You might have gonorrhea


File: 1491595767143.png (275.6 KB, 640x480, kimoi wario.png)


Seriously tho can I have AIDS


How long has this guy been living on college campus?


Why does it matter


Its just hard to believe. How did you not get caught yet?


I did. And they helped me


Also I am a registered student, not some trespasser


Is HPV herpes


What about constantly putting my hands in my pants and rubbing my dick with dirty hands


please don't make chr*stian posts this is an anime imageboard
human pappiloma virus does nothing to boys except sitting in their dicks waiting to infect a girl
but in girls it can cause vagina cancer

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