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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1459505350206.png (86.37 KB, 1032x313, RIP bakabt.png)


Very sad to hear. Who could have done this though? 95% of all content?

I'm no expert on this stuff, but don't you actually have to own the content to make a DMCA takedown request? Who could make a DMCA takedown request for 95% of the content? Did they get an alliance of nearly every anime studio/publisher defunct or still alive?


Wait I just noticed what day it is I got tricked so hard.


I completely forgot it was April 1st too


Damn I got trolled hard :(


fuck april fools I hate it so much none of of these """jokes""" are funny its just a day where websites post stupid shit and change their css to something shitty to try to piss people off hahaha so funny!!


wow mister angry-san, maybe you should go to your angry classes so you can be president of angryland.


I don't go to classes anymore since I dropped out of college

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