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File: 1490806096819.png (1.46 MB, 1456x1080, image.png)


Have you guys actually looked at all the anime released in the 80s?

If you have an Animebytes account just search for only anime from any given year in the mid/late 80s. Look at the average level of creativity and uniqueness put into them, there was no cookie cutter formula for how to make anime, like there is now which all the studios follow, everything was hand drawn. At the very least you have to admit that the level of creativity and individuality is off the chart compared to now.


You can see the difference between Mobile Suit Gundam and Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, those shows are only 6 years apart. The stories were great back then, it's hard to believe that shows like LoTGH and Dirty Pair were made almost 30 years ago, the plots are a bit complex for the time.


Vampire Hunter D in the 80s lacked a solidness.
It had potential but moved strangley or prhaps character development. The art was amazing, but my feelings for the movie were also shared by the orginal writter who said it was an embarsment . He was reluctant to allow a second movie to be made saying a lot of things about how disapointed he was with the orginal movie.

Im still finding anime movies from the 80s untranslated.
I'll try to release some.


Bump for info


File: 1494988225095.png (539.12 KB, 714x527, mpv-shot0002.png)

Twilight Q is a good anime from 1987.


File: 1495063372287.jpg (24.11 KB, 250x412, take-the-x-train-636.jpg)

Take the X Train is another good anime from 1987.


please stop spamming the board

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