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File: 1490483368946.webm (2.98 MB, 1280x720, RE7_chainsaw.webm)


>you will never afford an Oculus rift


This part was one of the only I've seen from Resident Evil 7.

Before she had the chainsaw I thought it was hilarious that a grown man was getting beat up by her, a woman of her size having the strength she had is more unrealistic than all the zombies in the game, and it was obviously just pandering to the "women stronk and empowered" mindset.


It's fucking hot how she grits her teeth as she chainsaws him


Octopus Rift…


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this girl loooks old, i only want to be killed buy cute goys and birls


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I haven't played video games in 2 months, in fact I want to sell my PS4 but I'm still hopping somebody will release an exploit for it.


I too have a PS4 I never use that I'm hoping for an exploit for.

I've never connected it to the internet, but did you know that game discs contain PS4 firmware updates that are required to play the game? I bought Dark Souls 3 and it forced me to update or else I couldn't play it.

There is already a webkit exploit but only for very old models. http://www.psdevwiki.com/ps4/Working_Exploits


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Even earlier systems had updates inside game cartridges and discs. Like the PSP, Vita and PS3, Nintendo also loves that stuff, 3DS and Wii U games contain updates.

My console is from late 2014 and it had installed 2.00 FW, it's a shame.

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