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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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We of /jp/ who've stood against normie culture and those of us who have infiltrated have always opposed the obscene to a degree on /jp/ while admitting it shouldn't be a safe for work board.

We here by declare a raid to take back /jp/ from the, now lurking for almost 2 years, porngraphic industry. S0read it to every offshoot like Forrest fire.

Reminder to spam all of 4chan's /jp/ JAV threads with similar articles showing that their objects of lust are being forced aka rapped in porn like I originally told you all.

Time to reck these neo /jp/2.0 kids emasculate themselves by being degenerates mistreating to literal rapped women.

Gather the hoard. We ride at dawn. Our arrows will blot out their false otaku sun.






Sean, this is the most retarded idea you ever had since the let's sacrifice some puppies for japanese demons.

Please tell me you're not doing this too, /jp/ was just a phase, we all grew up out of it, we fought Janny and had fun but is all over.


Wait, so some of the girls in my JAV are actually being raped and not just pretending to be?

Pretty much 80% of JAV has a woman acting like it's non-consensual.

Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I know a few where the girls probably weren't just acting. I don't know if you should tell the JAV thread that, it might make them watch even more JAV.


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>literal rapped women

Mugi got RAPPED once, it was horrible.


Kill yourself fucking retard.


The whole sacrifice puppies things was just me showing what some Shinto witchcraft cults do.

Other than that I'm really doing this. Go to any /jp/ boards you know. I've posted the threads there too.

The meme take over elected Trump into office, defeated the monopoly of media, and even defeated the real CIA all within 1 year.

Believe me.
This is the era of counter intelligence of we the people.


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>Believe me


are you literally so autistic you don't know you're a propaganda machine


You think porn is helping humanity? I'm counter culture.


You just made a post about media sensationalism after using articles to push your beliefs, it's clear that you're an imbecile.


>stood against normie culture


Not all of us can get laid on the reg like you Sean we need the smut


Tell me the ones where it's non-consensual for research purposes



MUM-189, the last part where she's dressed as Shinku from Rozen Maiden, I'm pretty sure she's being genuine and actually doesn't like it, no way she's just acting.

Even if she did consent/agree to it fully by her own will, it's at least "non-consensual" in the sense that once it actually started she didn't like it at all.


Actually maybe she's fully just acting, or it's a mix of both, I don't know anymore.


This is horrible… any others?


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5 guys inserting vibrators inside her while she's screaming and squirming, my dick turned into a diamond in rough.


I simply must have the name of every putrid JAV where women are being sexually assaulted on camera so that the production crew can be held accountable. This is inexcusable.


I always do the biggest cums when I self-insert as the girl getting rapped~! :3


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rozen maiden has some nice elegant outfits

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