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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Reminder that homosexuality is a sin and all /what/achis will burn in hell for their crimes.


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>"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." - Leviticus 18:22

You were saying?


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Sodomising someone is an act of sodomy, you dummy. How clearer a cut do you need than "Don't lie with a man as you would a woman", anyway? Are you really that dense? Have all the cummy posts gotten to your brain and turned it into mush? You need help, your endless depravity has turned you into a mindless degenerate. May God have mercy on your soul.


>You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female;
So don't lie with a female at the same time and you should be good.


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Yes, yes, very funny. You're still going to hell.


lmbo /what/min gon get mad as a nigger and lock this threado.


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I doubt anyone here is gay besides of deni and the retard teenbro.


i think im mostly just a lonely homo but i think i want friend more


Your frens are here!!



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i'm not really your fren since i don't know you but we can pretend we are so we can feel a little bit less gay and lonely!

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