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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1489613980347.jpg (117.02 KB, 1280x720, 1489605958109.jpg)


Some high school girl walking by with her friends looked at me raised her eyebrows then looked at her friends and smirked. They didn't respond but still, holy fuck.


Is it because they wanted the D or thought you just looked like a freak?


I have an overly serious creepy stare when I make eye contact and people usually laugh, get creeped out or angered




Why haven't you replied to me?


I don't know what to say.

Sorry girls think you're a freak girls don't like me either.


one time I was walking with my long NEET hair loose which bounced a little and two high school girls were walking behind me. One of them said "Hey floppy~" over and over to her friend but loud enough so I could hear and the other one was snickering and laughing at me.

Why were they so mean to me? It was very hidoi and hurt my feelings a lot, they were such big bullies.


It's not just girls. Guys do it to me too, even an old lady and her son did it to me


Flan will always love you~



Why you always steal my images, fucker? Get your own images.


File: 1489624952710.jpg (71.12 KB, 1280x720, i just want to die.jpg)


this bitch deserves to die for what she did to yuri princess



Stop what?


File: 1489628176116.jpg (51.28 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kuzu no Hon….jpg)


Bullying me you Fucking idiot don't sage my thread


Fuck off.


Kill yourself you fucking psycho what the fuck


File: 1489631637781.jpg (35.12 KB, 500x500, bully-proof vest.jpg)

Stop bullying

Here take this.


*takes the vest*
*looks at Saten's naked body*
I'm sure you can imagine what happens next ;)


What were you even doing at the time


Fuck off already, faggot. Go ruin another board.


Time to kill yourself schizo freak.


gayest thread of the week


last year i got lost and a girl walked past me and said that guy was just adorable wasnt he


What the fuck I was posting here in March

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