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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1489384378901.jpg (367.69 KB, 1440x837, Bee pollinating flowers.jpg)


Vibeeo (video + bee pun) of a bee (insect) pollinating (present participle of the application of pollen (microspores made by flowers)) Gaillardia aristata (a type of Himawari (japanese for sunflower)) in Washington (the 42nd state of the United States of America (USA)).


Onegai enjoyee pls douzo (mangled japanese + english).


spoiler this!


Are bees the only cute insect?


File: 1489419071708.jpg (78.96 KB, 900x758, fcb54d6d85a4135368c2fbe4e9….jpg)

There's the flower mantis.


File: 1489419885755.jpg (539.35 KB, 2144x2068, Idolomantis.diabolicum.1.jpg)

This is apparently a flower mantis too.

Is this the best animal camouflage to ever exist? This thing literally just looks like some dead leaves and twigs, I can't even tell it's a bug.


i think leaf and stick insects pull it off a bit better than these mantises.


File: 1489422561479.jpeg (101.64 KB, 375x500, image.jpeg)



these are just like /what/friends, no one is able to notice them!


File: 1489458397497.jpg (139.83 KB, 640x800, 1454263568455.jpg)

>no one is able to notice them!
Don't talk for me.


Why? You'd say the same thing anyway lmbo


Back off, man.


File: 1489460088064.jpg (92.93 KB, 640x424, jumping-spiders-macro-phot….jpg)

Jumping spiders aren't insects but…


File: 1489460134289.png (512.61 KB, 720x469, Cute-Jumping-Spider-arachn….png)

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