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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1489302699593.jpg (40.98 KB, 433x614, 5232826_p0.jpg)


Why does our resident gay admin never break out of character? He has been keeping up this act for years, it's almost as if he has ulterior motives..


That's not true, /what/man explodes and writes long rants when it comes to women. He hates women more than anything.


File: 1489345688916.png (318.12 KB, 867x1628, b506ddae68d621f152c4a8c46b….png)

how can you hate girls I don't understand. are you literally fucking gay?


File: 1489345810502.jpg (446.89 KB, 643x900, __konno_yuuki_sword_art_on….jpg)

how can you hate this? i love girls. they are so cute. what kind of fucking monster hates this


Fuck off, freak.


File: 1489350954524.jpg (201.54 KB, 1200x682, 61181644_p0_master1200.jpg)

don't sage my thread loser


What character?

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