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Do you want secret knowledge from the KGB? I will probably be taken out just for posting this image



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Don't forget GDP, gun ownership, freedom, and world influence.


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Canada only in 3rd for rape…

I can change that.


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Why is Jan pan in the top four for heart attacks


Because the amount of heart attacks they have put them there.


Yeah but I thought they were healthy and Asians don't age till they're like fifty


>I thought
lol yeah right


What're you implying



Anyway guys if you want to take the real redpill


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I've done a little bit of research into nuclear power in ancient times India and how the commies of Russia researched it simust anxiously trying to tap into the occult with it, but they fell behind because they practiced the occult of hinduism.

The Americans went straight into satanic rituals and gained technology through fallen angels and even worse things.

Robert Oppenheimer was said to be a high ranking witch and satanism who was introduced to the occult through freemasonry as he studied mathmatics.

I've even seen some videos saying he was completely demon possessed when he gave his live address to the American people on the atom bomb.

Let's not forget the Nazi head of rockets who came over to America under project paperclip. Look him up too. The guy out right told his staff the plans for the new world order of nuclear rocket bombs and how it came from the fallen angels and demons of hell.



What are you implying


What are you implying

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