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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1489163354057.jpg (82.25 KB, 1280x720, 1487976702782.jpg)


At least I'm not retarded


File: 1489163646701.jpg (239.76 KB, 808x446, retard master.jpg)

What if you're retarded but you just don't know it?


File: 1489164226740.png (128.91 KB, 500x500, f83bb51f564ed71a3eeff7a17a….png)

>reply to my thread
>its not even ERP
>whip out the dick anyway

even if im retarded everyone else is still considerably more retarded


File: 1489165135843.gif (2 MB, 240x180, im retarded.gif)

What if average intelligence is far higher than you believe, but you just think most people are dumb because you have inadequate social experience irl? What if you find out you're just average or actually retarded?


File: 1489165381684.png (896.21 KB, 850x521, 1489123378371.png)

post animes while addressing me, chipmunk.


Why would a guinea pig test subject be smarter than what he's a lab rat for

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