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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1461781945618.png (485.27 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-04-27-07h13m1….png)


watmin lets hook up and get drunk


File: 1461783084365.png (872.27 KB, 1280x720, shot0001.png)

I was drunk yesterday though.

Also you're very far away.


File: 1461783320712.png (545.25 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-04-27-07h14m0….png)

we're only eight hours apart
the worl is really small!


So you're serious enough to actually fly over here and have gay sex with me?

I don't believe you.


File: 1461783893460.png (152.95 KB, 262x471, sadbat.png)

i wish whatmin would gayerp with me too


File: 1461784223709.png (868.89 KB, 1280x720, shot0003.png)

I'm not good at ERP.


What are you good at?


I can't think of a single thing, I'm serious.


So you're good at not being good at anything?


File: 1461786602280.jpg (24.91 KB, 514x576, 1418341601612.jpg)


File: 1461786739994.png (324.32 KB, 800x1163, 1460864168114.png)

Whatmin is really good at being my little bitchboy


I wasn't counting joke things like "I'm good at sleeping".

You have it the other way around, I'd be the one on top.


File: 1461787626523.jpg (12.45 KB, 300x169, 1420483970271.jpg)

whatmin is really good at being cutey


File: 1461787661678.jpg (522.26 KB, 1464x1575, 1460853954102.jpg)

wrestle me whatmin

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