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I don't understand Chaos;Head

Why is it so autistic?


will I understand it since I'm literally autistic?


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Bacause you're always super special.

No, Chaos;Head is shit, more like Give me;Head am I right?


I don't know if you are right because I haven't read it yet
or are you typing about the anime and suggesting that I should watch it? I couldn't tell if you meant the VN or the anime.


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Chaos;HEAd is an exceptionally bad waste of 12 episodes. It is a show that takes half-baked ideas and tries to present them as something intelligent with endless psychological babble. Behind all the quasi-philosophical mumbo jumbo is a generic, and honestly, rather dull plot. Despite all the pretense of depth, Chaos;HEAd is poorly conceived creation devoid of believable characters, compelling storytelling, and worst of all, intelligence.


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you dont get it. its deliberately bad. its a stroke of genius.


I actually enjoyed it at first. There was an air of intense mystery about it, and while the characters were underwhelming from the start. This interest manifested mostly from not having idea what was going on, and wanting to know, as is the usual for psychological stories.

The worst of all the characters is the MC, Takumi. Throughout the entire anime, Takumi is a little whiny bitch. He is weak, emotionally fragile, and is an absolute asshole that only cares about himself. He spends his time running away and when he can't run, begging the random girls that show up to save his sorry little bitch ass. When he becomes momentarily suicidal, he can't even do THAT for himself.


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Yeah why can't he be like Kirito the Black Swordsman


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who wins!!


I can't decide who's the worst character ever betwee those two and Makoto from School Days, Kira 'Jesus Christ' Yamato from Gundam SEED, Umaru is also shitty.


Stop it !


The VN was very good until about halfway through when it got dani-level retarded, but it was a solid thriller/horror that conveyed feelings of paranoia and helplessness of the mc being dragged into something horrific very well. Why did they think that those "twists", the psychobabble nonsense, and trying to turn that complete loser of a mc into a hero was a good idea is a mystery to me, they should have followed the route set on the beginning and even if became the most generic thriller story possible it would still have been a decent, interesting story instead of the shameful disaster it was.

I don't even mind the sci-fi elements by themselves, but they were handled terribly and in the most cringe-worthy way they could have.



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