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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1488656897046.png (430.66 KB, 489x544, image.png)




File: 1488657033851.gif (917.13 KB, 500x281, 1486367001486.gif)

Post dick and I'll think about it


File: 1488658576689.jpeg (221.66 KB, 979x719, image.jpeg)

No! Gross!


So I can post!


File: 1488658895867.jpg (223.06 KB, 1270x1502, 1487596324384.jpg)

Dicks aren't gross!!


Otamin just banned you (he knows how to ban you even if you go through a proxy), ota is up for me.


calm down honoka


don't let ota die


File: 1488659932500.jpeg (29.95 KB, 1332x169, image.jpeg)


He also banned their service because he knows people will check with that.

Don't ever underestimate how far Otamin will go to banish badposters.


/white/min should ban dani as well, he's extra annoying here because this is probably the only board that doesn't require a proxy to post.

Just ban norway and don't allow proxies, /wit/min, I know you're smart.


File: 1488687593072.png (680.93 KB, 1280x720, slowly dieing.png)

kill all noway people


dont use puppyka for badposts please and thank you

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