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>BBC Three film maker, Stacey Dooley, has been stopped by Japanese police while filming a documentary

>Officers held her for two hours during the making of Young Sex For Sale In Japan.
>Speaking to the camera after being held, she claims: "So I've just been kept by the police for the past two hours, they held us against our will, they would not let us go.
>Speaking about the type of men who meet up with teenagers in Tokyo she says: "Those grown men intimidated me, I'm nearly 30 years old, a strong woman."


Can someone copy the text I don't want to give them clicks.


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i did its the green bit


That's what you get for invading superior nippon and trying to enforce your white morals

>Sexualised images of young girls are widespread, men can pay to meet schoolgirls on public streets and comic books feature child rape.

They're coming after the loli, they won't stop until everyone bows to norm culture (not cultural norms lol). Norms must be destroyed.

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