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This thread is to discuss spooky stuff, occult flamboyancy, and signs of the coming apocalypse ushering in the spirit of the Anti-christ.

NOTE: This thread also pertains to Christian perspective of religious study. Even the occultists look at the world from a Christian like onset as they infant serve satan, which in turn makes them hate Christ.


I stopped believing in aliens, and I'm not afraid of ghosts/demons if they exist since I'm a Christian.

Nothing is spooky to me anymore.


Yeah it is.
It's Samurai Reincarnation.
It cost like $75 online back in 2012. It might not be avalible anymore or it has risen in price.

It's on my to buy list.


Yeah aliens are nephilim and demons.

If you aren't encountering the spooks than I'm not sure how much you can say you're not spooked.

But good, fear is the abcence of faith in God.

Draw your bow. The witches are nie.


Bump for Sean's wisdom


Whats going on?
A lot has happened recently.


Like what? Crazy things happening for me too, what's about to happen?


please stop spamming the board


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I would say 9/10 people involved in my daily life in maybe 7 different social groups I am in all keep having prominent people involved in the occult making contact with me or in turn those social groups are brining first hand super natural encounters to me either with physical proof or video tape evidence.

Everything I speculated about the occult trying to reach out to me is coming to fruition. I'm not seeking these people out and I would say that my interests of hobbies are no where near theirs either.

The sleep paralysis has taken quite the turn too as I found new material out there on recording demonic encounters with it via christian and medical team documentation.

I can't comment on my own paralysis too much out of protection, but one you might be interested in was what modern peoples would consider a giant or rather an 8 foot tall black haired woman with a sun hat on that had sunflowers. Just a demon I suppose. Not a nephilim, but a dead one. The sunflower I haven't done any research on in its meaning.

Things are lining up too close now. The things can be logically explained once the subject matter is briefly discussed. Its not like Im the one claiming these things are happening around me either. Its a bunch of people coming to me with what they're experiencing.

If there was a web diagram of people who had occult or supernatural experiences happening to them they would have one common factor linking them all together and that would be that they know me/talk to me. The web would link back to me.

I would say that this is a last ditch effort to stop something glorious in Christ's name to stop from happening, but as you know God cannot be stopped. Even you know that in the end the apocalypse has to happen and anti-christ with the devil is trying to subvert God. You once said that God let you become the anti-christ because someone has to be it.

This is all I can tell you for now before posting on /qa/ the /jp/ prophecy.


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Yes. The sunflowers.
They came to me last summer.


>fear is the absence of faith in God


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