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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1488282229658.jpg (162.14 KB, 1280x720, sigh.jpg)


All out of pringles….


File: 1488288982767.jpg (175.3 KB, 1152x864, C2M5YFPWgAAqDYo.jpg)

I just uploaded a picture of Stouts and Milk and posted a title like "me and my gf".

I got like 30 comments lol.


File: 1488290980202.jpg (52.18 KB, 1280x720, 1487999605868.jpg)



T's gonna freak you madman


Some random chicks said that I (stouts actually) am hot, heh.

Maybe we should turn into spics to get milk gfs.


I thought you didn't eat that shit…


They only think you're hot because "you" have a girlfriend.

Women want men who are already taken, it assures them that he is worthy of having a girlfriend, and he is a socially acceptable boyfriend which will either improve, or at least not hurt, their social status. Also jealously of wanting what other females have, or to deprive other females of having something, even if they don't actually want whatever it is (in this case a guy).


It makes sense. I'd never date a nerd.



poor trevor….

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