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File: 1488073858737.mp4 (8.77 MB, 1280x720, Last Train Home ~ still fa….mp4) [play once] [loop]


Hello /what/!

Have you ever been on a train?

Trains are ii ne forms of transport, so make sure you ride the train with your /what/friendo to make it even more ii ne!


File: 1488074036500.jpg (2.49 KB, 125x125, 1379701781737.jpg)



ii ne


File: 1488214867831.jpg (309.19 KB, 1024x775, E7dIZ1j.jpg)

A few times on my way to Toronto.
It's a really comfy way to travel especially if you take business class but they over change with the food.

I was disappointed when no cat came to take me ticket….


>take me ticket

I need to cutback on the British sitcoms..



File: 1488235432085.jpg (63 KB, 460x460, agqWX4n_460s.jpg)

I once took a train from Germany to France, I was like 15 years old.


Want to meet up next time you're in toronto


i rode an old train that goes through a touristic route up in the mountains


I been on 🚆 from New Jersey to new York

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