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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1487979829916.webm (7.01 MB, 480x320, slash neet slash.webm)




File: 1487980847316.gif (1.11 MB, 480x270, 1419397080336.gif)

I like it and not just because it's rainy really heavy here.


no one remembers /neet/….


i do


I remember those foolz rejects, Nagi was the princess, I also remember the precure spammer (Porchy maybe?), Worer and the other guys, shitty board.


not that one


no you fucking mouthbreather


Why you mad tho?


the textboard? I remember it. But nobody remembers hellochannel…


i mmiss my nee tfriends


i made majority of the post here towards the end & i never did figure out what that song was. tablecat is back though

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