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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1486974733099.png (333.71 KB, 610x797, happy birthday.png)


Hello everyone.

Today is a very special day because it's a /what/friend's birthday today. Please let's wish our friendo a happy birthday if you want to.

Happy birthday!! I hope you have a very nice day today and it's really nice and cool where you are. Please enjoyee your birthday~


File: 1486976895174.gif (367.63 KB, 280x280, 1486948210841.gif)

thanks brofus


Thank you!
I was feeling a little sad because I have to celebrate by myself today but but seeing this thread made me feel very happy!
That picture is really cute, I'll save it so I can always think of my /what/friends when it's my birthday!


File: 1486996953975.jpg (49.21 KB, 500x501, i don't have friends.jpg)

One of my coworkers is turning 25 today, I wonder if he browses /what/.


File: 1487000739148.mp3 (13.78 MB, 02 - Scene Of Carnage.mp3)

Happy Birthday~


cirno is smashing through the word because she's so strong!


how come you didn't do this on my birthday


You had to sign up for it.


Happy birthday friend :^)


That's very cute you even posted a custom image this time.

Happy b-day /what/framd


Will you remember my twenty ninth birthday


did you fill out the birthday form?


Where's the birthday form


File: 1492926663288.jpg (11.25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg)




5ye last star/angel ti fall from hevean into our reality upon explosion usshering the release ofvthe nephilim again.


You better not post in my birthday thread fat freak.


Birthday threads are for wishing friendo a happy birthday. Please try not to post unrelated things in the birthday threads.

I'm sorry, thanks.


File: 1492933841013.jpg (231.33 KB, 1280x1024, cb36c2dfaf84c388fd920502ac….jpg)


Don't fucking talk to Sean line that

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