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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1486609878443.png (662.46 KB, 1000x1000, 1265259072628.png)


When did it become forbidden to use the word "anon" on the spinoffs and why?


It's fine as long as you're quoting Shakespeare.


it fell out of favor at some point, and now the only people who use it are those fresh off the boat.

you would know that if you weren't fresh off the boat


File: 1486618269450.jpg (130.13 KB, 800x708, 1256382073572.jpg)

What would you like me to call you then? Is Anonymous still acceptable?


File: 1486618839726.jpg (384.45 KB, 700x1019, 35111958_p0.jpg)

Everyone here is called a /what/friend~!


There are better nicknames depending on the board. Such as >>13193


File: 1486883402134.jpg (57.17 KB, 402x553, 1252564841128.jpg)

That's a little weird for me. What if I don't consider imageboard posters my friends?

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