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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1483993685342.jpg (120.07 KB, 768x1024, f8069d54bb954d82930a36cada….jpg)


caught this pic of whatmin


I really wish Dani would just fucking kill himself already.


File: 1484001741531.jpg (74.13 KB, 960x720, 1473083761620.jpg)



I agree, he's banned from every other spinoff, whatmin should man up and ban him as well.


it took him that long to ban simpsons spammer and he actually botched, shitmin isn't going to ban dani any time soon


I didn't mess up banning the Simpsons spammer, there's a reason he only put the effort in to evade just to say "I'm taking a break".


File: 1484025991949.gif (408.57 KB, 202x259, cola.gif)

Maybe he's using one of those ultra slow Russian proxies and he can't attach images anymore?


File: 1484190132080.png (423.02 KB, 996x695, image.png)

>I didn't mess up banning the Simpson spammer

Fagmin says such stupid things….

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