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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1461467155019.gif (269.13 KB, 393x450, 1438959474412.gif)


what k-on are you whatmin im ritsu and sometimes azusa


File: 1461473693896.png (410.32 KB, 664x540, tism.png)

All 4 of them.


Ritsu used to be my favorite but these days I like Mugi a lot, and not just because of the /what/boosy meme.



yeah fuck that azucat bitch, fucking hate that slut, not a tru-keion.


Why is everyone so mean to Azusa?


File: 1461483518471.jpg (444.35 KB, 940x1200, 08ff8f3306acfdf5166ad0f48d….jpg)

whatmin suki

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