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File: 1480718318885.jpg (139.14 KB, 1133x1700, 1475079571261.jpg)


Is it true anime makes you gay?

Before I had encountered anime I never imagined I'd be sucking turgid mancock.


File: 1480719259676.png (391.26 KB, 667x1200, 0f8051f34f3961f7c33eb854dd….png)

How are big fat anime titties supposed to turn you gay?


File: 1480720450717.png (715.66 KB, 1759x1325, boobies.png)

Whoa mama…


I was born and raised in the US speaking English, I have been exposed to large amounts of English media, I've never in my life heard the word "turgid".


You might have come across it if you read a few books every now and then.


i think i've only seen it used in homoerotic contexts


Sucks to be you for having the vocabulary of a 14 year old.

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