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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1480153509181.jpg (30.66 KB, 419x480, 1479136127001.jpg)


Merorin was here. Have fun with your degenerate, because he's banned on my board


Merorin still exists?


It will always exist


File: 1480172662943.png (54.09 KB, 600x600, 31c34865cb4fd228d1ddbb6bf6….png)

Yeah in the same way AIDS will always exist.


File: 1480191210876.png (340.66 KB, 494x423, 1459235340016.png)

Lol nice one Germany.


Stop calling him Germany, he is not even German


What else should I be?


Just give us your real name like Trevor.


File: 1480201621236.jpg (13.52 KB, 304x307, 1371965413003.jpg)

hello CIA



File: 1480218547526.png (219.2 KB, 1058x800, kyoko-otonashi-ranma-1-2-a….png)

Sweden is not Swedish and we all call him Sweden, Germany is Germany, you mad because you don't have a persona or live in a country that isn't 'Murrica, prove me wrong, atheist.


LOL @ the meronorms crawling out of their hole to defend their fuckboi admin


File: 1480221105231.jpg (33.96 KB, 591x633, [Zurako]_Mawaru_Penguindru….jpg)

Nobody cares about your /int/r9k/ personas, asswipe…


are you going to stream anything tonight?


You seem to care enough to reply, tsundere chan


I smell butthurt, go cry to your liberal gay boyfriend, you homo pro abortion.


Go back to jerking off into your maga hat and crying about how your site will never be as popular as gnfos


What the fuck are you talking about? I don't even post on merorin, I just posted that you're butthurt. You are clearly butthurt for some reason you big homolord.


I thought gnfos was dead


File: 1480434162416.png (980.25 KB, 1500x1500, 1456998426001.png)

a shame that he died.

RIP whatmit


it's been back for some time


That's only gnfos per name. If I name your mother a pure maiden, it still won't change the fact that she sucks my cock every day.


it's back for real now

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