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shitmin what is a gravity!!!

this will be on the test tomorrow!!!!!


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Heavy objects like planets are so heavy that they pull in nearby objects. That's why your mom has her own gravitational pull.

But for real why can planets and stars just keep floating? Why don't they fall? You expect me to believe that the physical universe and more specifically our solar system was just a random occurrence and everything just werks without any designer behind it?


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>he thinks his life has a puropus and that purpose is to piss in my cereal and shitpost on /what/ every morning
>he thinks jesus was a white like in the paintings that came 1000 years later
>he takes the bibal literally and doesnt realize its all just deep metaphor
>he still thinks a book written by sandnigger cavemen high on ayahuasca 2000 years ago have more answeres about the known universe than carl sagan does
>worse yet, he bends right over for our alien overlords before they are even cofnrimed to exist like a fucking beta cucklet

you dont see people worshipping like the illiad or the epic of gilgamesh, whicha re considerably older thatn the bible? unless you seriously believe the earth is only 6000 years old (nevermind fossil records that prove otherwise) and the worlds best-seller was literally written by god


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>>But for real why can planets and stars just keep floating? Why don't they fall?

because of gravity. you answered your own question. holy fuck whatmin you are dumb…


I actually think it's highly likely that alien life doesn't exist.

I think the purpose of the universe being so massive is so that we can't even see to the end of it, and it would take billions of years traveling at light speed (literally as fast as you can possibly go) to get even a relatively short distance.

If we could see the walls of the playpen then humans would get too pompous, there's no alien life, God just created the universe so massive so we could never comprehend it.

Likewise God probably created ancient life before true human life (around when recorded history started, which surprise, just so happens to be about 6000 BC or so) just to fuck with us, because he knows that eventually people would come along and claim that animals evolved into one another because the fossils look similar and were from subsequent time periods.


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If the condidions for life werent perfect in our solar system, we wouldnt be here to ponder them being perfect? we're just a causality. Even if life was just a hollywood summer flick like The Matrix (1999) you are still bound by the same material laws? I don't see why such epiphany would prompt you shooting up a school thinking something like pain is just imaginary and 20 years in a gray hole won't be mind numbingly boring all of a sudden? thinking that if life were just a video game you would be free of all consequence

The worst part about this kind of baby thinking is crazy people like shitmin act out on it, not just changing their perception of reality but their way of life as well


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>I actually think it's highly likely that alien life doesn't exist.



You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say any of that.


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whatmin please add me on psn I promise I wont be gay on you


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whatmin erp me


I haven't signed up for PSN, I only played my PS4 offline, hoping for an exploit if I keep the firmware old.

Also I lost my PS4 controller currently.


Why you post someone elses dick?


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Why would I post my own dick?


You never mentioned having aps4 shitmin but are you happy I'm not going to be an EMT because of you my bls class was this past Saturday and I didn't go because you told me not to my life will be meaningless I will die doing nothing because of you


>letting me decide your life choices


fuck off

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