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File: 1478803726958.jpg (361.55 KB, 2110x1610, 18b13dab50277eedade830f8d3….jpg)


How do you cope with the fact this puffy middle school puss is illegal in your cunt. Way to cuck yourself out of the gene pool lmao.


It's feminists who did this too.

They were so jealous of men wanting teenage girls in their sexual prime that they pushed hard to make a cultural stigma against it, and as they were allowed more power they turned it into law (ridiculously high ages of consent like 18).

They made many lies to disguise the true reasons behind it, most of the defense is just "ewww gross/creepy/disgusting", no actual logical reasoning behind it. At best you might get an explanation that "they'll be taken advantage of by men". They're no more likely to get taken advantage of then 18 year old girls.

The true reason is nothing more than jealously, they're jealous of younger girls in their sexual primes, so "if I can't have it, no one can".


You're a sick in the head pervert.


And you're worthless. Not like you live for anything but procreation anyway.


Says the one who's going to be on a Government sex offenders list in the next 5 years most likely because of your sexual frustration. Just admit that you like little girls because you know you'll never be able to handle a real woman you creep.


File: 1478806681866.jpg (7.39 KB, 236x251, 1226621662456s.jpg)

Pedos run the world


It was perfectly normal for adult men to marry and have sex with teenage girls around the age-range of 13-16 throughout most of history.

How am I sick in the head, but the feminists who originally stigmatized this primarily because they were jealous of younger females aren't? They lie and lie, give false arguments, but the true reason is nothing more than they were jealous of men wanting younger girls, and they wanted to give themselves a sexual advantage by forbidding men from having younger girls.




Go back to himasugi.

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