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>wake up
>check 4chan
>trump won
>anime is still not real
>im still not afford my own castle mansion in the mountains
>whatmin still wont respond to my gay emails

but at least that ugly nepotist hag didnt win.and half of america is asses torn asunder. this is the best day ever


I'm so happy that Trump won, but I'm very tired and just want them to officially call it.

America proved to me that we're not completely cucked and dead yet.


We did it, /what/!




It's official now, Hillary called Trump to concede.

Trump gave his speech, I listened to it, I can sleep now. I can feel the massive amount of leftist butthurt.


>anime is still not real
He's not president yet. The wall isn't built yet either. Things like this take time.


The happiest day of my life followed by Grimes dating elon musk


this thread has aged like milk


The most hilarious part was all the smug Hillary supporters crying and stunned in disbelief.



Based flipping magapede praise kek xD

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