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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1478669575562.jpg (359.96 KB, 850x1186, happy birthday.jpg)


Hello everyone, today is a special day because today is a /what/friend's birthday. Please let's wish our friendo a happy birthday today.

Happy birthday ~ I hope you have a nice day!


It's not my birthday yet though?



Happy birthday!


Please don't be dismissive of the birthday thread.


Happy birthday, /what/friend!


I hope it's the happiest birthday of all!


I hope he dies


Everyone dies eventually and that's okay. I'm sure what you were really meant to type was "Happy birthday~!"~!


File: 1478707247502.jpg (310.4 KB, 650x923, __ayase_eli_hoshizora_rin_….jpg)

happy birthday!


Happy birthday, fren!


File: 1478726511932.png (963.57 KB, 926x1080, fuwafuwa.png)

I didn't even remember I filled out that form. Thank you for remembering. You are my special frens.


I'll give you ten minutes to delete this thread before I range ban everyone who posted in it.




Nope. I hope dies


i hope you had a nice day~

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