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No. 9316
Do any of you guys like cooking?'m gonna try making some Tavche Gravche. You can tell this an authentic europoor dish because it's literally just beans, onions, and paprika. I'll still probably fuck it up though.
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Do you guys even eat food?
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Me and OP
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I never made it anywa. Maybe tomorrow.
>>9396Well I tried doing it according to this recipe and it turned out mostly edible except for two things:
-Firstly, when I put the eggs in, the whites were all over the place instead of neatly cooking around the yolk. I don't know if it's because I didn't boil the water enough or because the eggs weren't fresh and the whites had thinned out.
-And secondly, when I took the eggs out I forgot the important step of drying then with a napkin, which means the bread became soggy.
Other than that, it was actually not so bad. I seasoned it with black and white pepper and the yolk was cooked just right, solid on the outside yet soft and runny on the inside. Will try again with fresher eggs some day.
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um… a while ago I tried making potato croquettes, but it turned out pretty terrible… I can't mash potato very well… usually I don't cook though. Usually I just eat a bunch of frozen food and snacks all day, and then go like the next couple days without eating almost anything like bears do