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/what/ - mugi

The Society for the Study of Hairy Boosy
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No. 6805

you search for things left in last year. Watch as your life begins to fade, you will grow up pretending you’re are not afraid. That’s not enough. As your skin grows hard and your heart turns numb, you realize the man that you have become. Now you’re nothing, searching for friends and the love that you’re losing, searching for something to keep you from moving backwards.


I want stretch that sock over my nose and mouth and inhale forever.


you sick fuck


that's a loli's sock


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when suddenly at night, dark thoughts intrude your peaceful sleep
and your dreams wander in places long forgotten
when visions of loss and regret engrave their ugly features on your skin
and you feel your purity sleeping from your hands

when you see the years you lived turn into statues
the hopes and dreams you had, now cast in stone
and when the years that come appear to be stillborn
you reach out to touch them, and they are already gone



Music plays, but I can't hear the words.
I'm dead.
People play out sorry's and flowers,
but nobody is here for me.
I'm a ghost just like my mom,
both of our tombstone's read,
If you loved me,
People mourn like someone died, they don't get that it was you and I.
The irony is that it's all our friends, dressed in black and talking again.
Still, there's no me, it's just a funeral, just a place to pretend that we care.
Dear world,
I'm not here anymore.


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Girl, you might be 2D while I'm in 3D
But it don't matter cause you'll be on my D
Those cute bug eyes are enough to tease me
As the school bell screams
I jet and stream
Gotta rush back to my computer screen
To gaze upon you, what I got to

We're going too fast, do you wanna stop?
I know you're 14 but don't call the cops
We could just RP as a demon fox

I get with girls but I always use soap
Never been a virgin cause I was always fucking dope
Doctor says I have a bad case of Yellow Fever
but they seems pale whenever I sees her
I can't shoot beams or fly in the sky
but that gives me more time to be by your side


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2D girl will always be there for me.
2D girl will never betray on me.
2D girl is girl for me.

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