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/what/ - mugi

The Society for the Study of Hairy Boosy
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No. 5511

feel when mum physically attacks you for being a NEET.


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Tell me the details, you know, if you want.


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So my social worker was going to come pick me up, but I had been feeling nauseous all morning so I emailed him and said I was feeling sick. My mom got word of it and had a break down. Bipolar disorder runs in our family along with a long list of mental disorders except unlike everyone else my mom doesn't take meds for it and refuses to take any for it. So she went on to do the usual shit scream call me worthless, bully me, call me a loser, threaten to kick me out of the house when its 10 degrees fahrenheit out there. So as usual I let her rant, but then she grabbed my arm and hit me and scratched my arm up. It makes me very sad, but I'm not mentally stable enough to work. No one will ever hire me, because I'm a highschool drop out.


I know your feel, except it was my dad.


Your mom sounds unpleasant.


His mom may be in the right, and has her justifiable frustration misinterpreted by people around her, only making things worse by them using it as a means to invalidate her frustration.


She is. I just want to go in the snow and freeze to death.


Imagine spending 8 or more months in terrible pain, spending thousands of dollars raising your baby, 16 or more years trying your best to raise your child right, only to have him turn out to be a spoiled, fat, needy, faggot that can't support himself and cries like a baby at the slightest confrontation. That is what your mom is feeling right now, OP.


Why did op drop out of highschool? I walked by a homeless black man one time, and he said to me, "dont ever dropout of highschool"


Bullying from other students, and/or anxiety, probably.


I wonder /what/ op is doing naow.



Good advice.


Why were you bullied?


I was the guy who was bullied out of school by a teacher.


single parent


High school dropout reporting in.

I now have a B.Sc. and am working on a M.A.

High school is mostly bullshit except for the math.


god bless social workers

can't believe they have to deal with loser NEET weeaboos like OP


Wow there must be a lot from where that's coming from


stop projecting


Am I wrong? Or are you saying his mom is just being irrational or hormonal? His mom is obviously tired of her worthless son, and who can blame her.


I bought my mother a fancypants silver watch with my first EETbux and pay her like $1000 a month as board. I'm still a worthless piece of shit tho; working doesn't necessarily mean you're of any worth.


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Having a job lessens your worth


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Okay nerds, listen up. YOU HAVE VALUE AND WORTH AS A HUMAN BEAN. Understand this. Define yourself not by what others say about you, but by the actions that you choose to take. Don't ever hesitate at the opportunity to make your life better. Sometimes we are stuck between a rock and a hard place with no forseeable way out. I don't know but that's when you get crazy with your own knowledge and superpowers that were given to you when you clawed your way out of your mom and while you were raised. Everyone has a unique gift and they are beautiful and handsome for that. You might not see it at first impression, but if you maintain a positive attitude and smile, even if you have to scream before you do, then THINGS WILL WORK OUT. Have faith in other's goodwill but do not trust anyone. Not even your own family. Get mad and start lifting, get skeezy and start skating, get smart and warm up to people but always check yourself before you check others. Practice makes perfect, and everyone hits the pavement on their first jump. Just get outside and fear no one. Walk out the door and do your own dinosaur. Be unique. Be you. Improve through improvisation.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Live it up, nerds.


This physically hurt me.

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